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Voice Actor
Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

About me

Long time fan of the hobby excited to run inclusive games for newcomers who might need a helping hand getting acclimated. I’m a coparent to young kids with my long-term partner and I’ve been obsessed with fantasy and sci-fi, but also storytelling in general, since forever. I still remember watching stop-motion animated skeletons or beautifully illustrated wood elves at a young age and knowing confidently I was being spoken to in a language my bones could comprehend. I’m not much of a collector but I do have a selection of vinyl records I’ve been curating. I can talk at length about music of all types and I’m happy to incorporate something that fits your unique taste into the ambient soundtrack of your game. I love stories about time travel, cursed or destined items with a place with prophecy, items with opinions, and opportunities to ask ourselves what it really means to be a person? Please don’t hesitate to reach out, even just to say hi.

GM Style

You can expect a high-level of focus on the players and their choices, but lots of support from the GM in this beginner-friendly game. As a GM my style f into largely three categories (@scene_four on TikTok has great videos for these): Writer - I like creating things from scratch or building off of other people’s ideas! I get inspired by player backgrounds and stories and draw threads to connect them to the game. I’m always coming up with new characters and different scenarios in my head that I’m curious about from a narrative standpoint. I’m a big believer in discovering the world and the game’s emergent story as we go, playing to find out instead of loading up our worldbuilding at the beginning. I like taking official published modules like the Dragon of Icespire Peak and adding my own special touches and ideas, often inspired by the characters and my own favorite stories. I’m also a big fan of homebrewing worlds around the players and their characters or preferences as I feel it can often increase both the buy-in to the game’s fiction and the players’ agency in the world. Challenger - Whether by hook or by crook I want you to find yourself in a challenging situation. Do you need to make consensus between differing moral or ethical considerations? Reconcile life’s joy and pain as two sides of the same coin? Or fight your way out of impossible odds with the hope of the world on your shoulders? Whatever the stakes are I want you to fight for your happy ending and earn every ounce of it. Still it’s important to note that I believe in having fun and scale my challenges. I’m a fan of the players, not an adversary, and I want to see you succeed and revel along with you. The Chronicler - If I wanted to railroad players I would just go write a book. I love the unexpected ways player agency pushes a game forward into new narrative and mechanical realms! I want to examine the push and pull between player actions and the game’s fiction and create scenarios to see how they play out. I’m ready to see you take the plot in both hands and run with it. I’m very experienced at improvising off of players who want to take things in strange or unexpected directions (along as everyone at the table wants to go along, too).

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