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1 year on StartPlaying

36 games hosted

Highly rated for: Voices, Storytelling, Creativity

About me

Hi! I'm Marcus. I'm an avid writer, psychology student, and game master with almost ten years of experience running Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. I'm currently branching out into different games to broaden my experience as a game master and improve my storytelling abilities. The only thing I'm more passionate about than psychology is writing, worldbuilding, and voicing characters. I like immersive games that allow me to express myself through my worldbuilding, I love building compelling and cathartic stories with my players, and I live for the reactions that I can give to them, whether it's laughing, crying, or screaming out in rage. Things I Like: - Engaging Stories - Enthusiastic Players - Cooperative & Socially-Motivated Players - Compelling Characters - Finding Fun In Low Rolls - ONE-ON-ONE GAMES (Duet Style) Things I Don't Like: - Table Drama - Distractions - PC-VS-PC Conflict - Being An Adversarial DM There's nothing that makes me happier than telling awesome stories, and if you'd like to tell a story with me, I'd love to hear from you!

GM Style

I like roleplay-heavy games that make my players feel involved with the story, I love weaving player backgrounds and backstories into my entirely homebrew world and having their stories affect the lore, and I live for the reactions that I give my players, whether that's laughing, crying, or cursing out my villains in a rage. My GM style has generally been described as: - "The best DM I've ever met." - "An amazing storyteller." - "One evil son of a b-"

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