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Ben Heisler

3 years on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

About me

D&D Adventurer's League Author of six Best Selling adventures, plus a variety of Con Created Content and other adventures. Convention organizer and DM. Streaming player of Sylvio the Bard on Feats & Fables, premiering Monday night at 8 pm Eastern on

GM style

I've been DMing since late 90's/early aughts. I'm an Adamantine best selling author of D&D Adventurer's League modules along with my wife, Paige Leitman. I star in the Feats & Fables podcast as Sylvio the satyr bard. I've run games for lots of conventions and for various charity groups. I'm very fluent and comfortable with running in Roll20 (I already run 2 or more games a week on R20 anyway). Please note, my NPCs are GOING to include people of color, queer folk, trans folk, elves with the Blessing of Corellon, same-sex married couples, and/or inclusion of a broad representation of the human experience. My games are not going to include racism, sexism, bigotry, or any other sort of prejudice EXCEPT as hallmarks of the TRULY EVIL and as wrongs that the heroes will be fighting bravely against . My games will NEVER EVER include any sort of description of sexual assault. My games will ALWAYS have safety tools, like the X card or lines and veils. My goal is to give my players full empowerment to stop the game, skip over content, or change the tenor of the game so that they are comfortable. If you have ANY problem with that, DO NOT HIRE ME, go home, and think about your life. He/him, 100% trans, queer, LGBTQ+, and POC-friendly. Also ask for a discount for POC groups. If I have scheduled games up, the prices will be listed. I generally ask $20-$40 per person for a 4-5 hour session with a minimum of three players. NEW PLAYERS ARE EMPHATICALLY WELCOME AND CELEBRATED! Happy to run adventures I've written with material from the cutting room floor.


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