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Mike Moore (Alignment Unknown)

3 years on StartPlaying

About me

Hello! My name is Mike and I've been playing tabletop roleplaying games for over 20 years. I first started playing AD&D in front of my friends roaring fireplace as a teenager, and my love for roleplaying games has only deepened since. My favorite games are dangerous, gritty, old school games, such as Swords and Wizardry, 5e Hardcore mode and Five Torches Deep. However, I have experience running a wide variety of games, including Lady Blackbird, D&D 5e, Pathfinder 1st and 2nd edition, RuneQuest, Dungeon Crawl Classics and Call of Cthulhu. I like to run professional games with lots of visuals (pictures and maps) and a laid back atmosphere. My favorite thing is introducing new players to tabletop roleplaying games. I also run an inclusive table. Homophobia, transphobia, anti-LGBT+ rhetoric, sexism and other forms of hate aren't permitted at my table. There's enough of that sort of garbage in the real world, and we play games to escape from it.

GM style

I enjoy roleplay and combat. I usually run dark, gritty, dangerous games - where magic is extremely powerful but volatile; where sometimes retreating from combat is the best solution; where good roleplay and a non-violent plan is sometimes preferable to cutting through your enemies, and monsters are motivated by twisted, dark reasoning, rather than just existing to rampage...although, rampaging does frequently occur. I enjoy creating sandboxes for my players to play in, but I also like running quick one-shots, especially for new players. I want my players to have fun. If they're new, I hope they fall in love with this fantastic hobby. If they've been playing for a while, I want them to have as much fun as possible.


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