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Allison - Ajax DM

Allison - Ajax DM (she/her)



Women/Femme Identifying

4 years on StartPlaying

1297 games hosted

Highly rated for: Teacher, Inclusive, Creativity

Average response time: 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

About me

Ajax DM is a full-time professional DM with 49 completed campaigns, over 2,650 sessions (in-person and online) - including 1,000+ on StartPlaying - and 9,500+ hours on Roll20 (since March, 2020). Ajax DM offers paid weekly games you can count on. Weekly 3-hour D&D 5e game sessions on Roll20 or Alchemy RPG, using official D&D 5e campaign materials supplemented with additional maps, premium licensed music and sound effects, 3D dice rolling, Dynamic Lighting (revealing maps as you explore), scripts to automate manual tasks, sourcebook/compendium sharing. We use Discord for audio and each group gets its own channels to talk between games. New or experienced players and those just coming back to D&D, learning 5th Edition rules are welcome. You’ll learn as you play. Ajax DM was honored to be selected to DM at Gen Con 2024 independently as Ajax DM, and with Limithron (Pirate Borg) in 2024, to DM for StartPlaying at Gen Con in 2023, for Kobold Press at Gen Con both 2022 and 2023, and as one of a handful of Dungeon Masters for Kobold Chronicles, Kobold Press’ monthly virtual play event.

GM Style

As a DM I am more RAW (“Rules As Written”) and lean into RAI (“Rules As Intended”) where a feature or spell is unclear. I prefer story over mechanics, I love fleshed-out characters with a quirk, and hope to see some contributions from you to make the story more fun through role playing. I do voices for NPCs and have worked up backgrounds for key NPCs. Roll for Stats in Roll20 (roll six sets of 4d6 dice, drop the lowest die from each set) or use Standard Array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8). We use Milestone leveling, so you don't have to track XP. You are heroes, here to save the day. Please don't make UA or homebrew characters, evil characters, or races and classes from other worlds than the one we’re playing in (for instance, no Theros or Ravnica when we're in the Forgotten Realms). No player vs player violence or stealing from the party members. Games are conducted in English (though I know a bit of Italian and Spanish and could help sometimes).

Game platforms used
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