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2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Visual Aid, Storytelling, World Builder

About me

Hello! My name is Cat, I've been roleplaying and world building since I was about eleven. I'd spend days in the back yard drawing worlds out in chalk on the driveway and playing with my imaginary friend. As an adult, DMing has given me that spark of childlike curiosity, imagination, and wonder all over again. I am currently in the process of publishing my campaign world setting, and I'd love to share it with you in an Alpha test run. All money made from hosting these games goes straight towards the crowd funding! To get an idea of how I run my games, they are VERY roleplay and story based. Combat min maxers are welcome, but please be aware that we'll see much more role play than combat. Combat only occurs when it's provoked or makes sense. I strongly believe in the idea that as a player you should have the opportunity to do literally anything in a game of make believe, and so while I drive the narrative when needed, you and your party are free to do anything. Derailing doesn't phase me, because I'm confident I will always find a way to get back on track.

GM Style

I am a VERY role play and narrative driven DM. Role play, narrative, combat- in that order! Combat happens, but only when it makes sense or it is provoked. Otherwise prepare to get into character and tell one hell of a story!

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