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2 years on StartPlaying

21 games hosted

Highly rated for: Knows the Rules, Teacher, Creativity

About me

I'm medically retired from the army so I've got a lot of free time with nothing to do. Help alleviate my boredom by joining a game. I've been GMing for over 7 years now with plenty of campaigns under my belt. I combine the rule of cool while balancing to the rules, tough combat, fun impromptu story elements, and terrible voice acting.

GM Style

I typically run an xp campaign with extra xp rewards for good role-playing. On top of that I will usually hand out extra skills, abilities, or other rewards for a thoroughly developed character. Expect to be overpowered to a rules as written (RAW) run, but don't worry I'll compensate by making combat more difficult. Levels will come quickly, but if you are careless you can lose your character. I do tune the campaign to the players skill level and I have run campaigns for people completely new to D&D so don't panic. I will occasionally throw in some terrible voice acting just to make stuff fun.

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