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Published Writer
Women/Femme Identifying

2 years on StartPlaying

35 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Inclusive

About me

I've been involved with RPGs since the early '90s -- with a bit of a hiatus in my thirties -- and I'm absolutely **loving** that we're in an a D&D Renaissance right now. What a time to be alive! What do I bring to the table as a GM? Thanks to an English Ph.D., I'm a teacher at heart. I particularly enjoy welcoming newcomers to the hobby, and helping them feel comfortable with the mechanics and structure of Dungeons and Dragons. I'm in love with the power of story, and rich characters. Fights and puzzles are definitely fun. But ultimately, I get wrapped up in the relationships and world we co-create at the table, from a single NPC's mannerisms to the reasons behind a interplanar war. For longer campaigns, I'm very big on Session Zero: it's important to get a feel for the other people at the table, and gauge whether this is a GM and group that you're in sync with. After all, it's a collaborative game! Nothing sucks the fun out of it faster than in-group fighting or deeply mismatched playstyles/expectations. If you book me for a campaign, be prepared for a free initial meet-and-greet. (For one-shots, we may have a shorter orientation conversation before beginning.) Think of it as a two-way "interview." We want to make sure we fit one another before investing time, effort, and/or money in gameplay! :-) Happy adventuring, all!

GM Style

I put the "GM Style" question to some of my current and past players. Their responses: "Creative, friendly, funny, adventurous." - G., female, 19. "Descriptive, detailed, fun! [She] put[s] a lot of effort into giving the characters and story a lot of depth." - H., female, 18. "Wry, irreverent, and intense." - M., female, 35. "An immersive dm with a deep world building style. Engages with player backstory but likes to throw a wrench into their plans. Darkly comic touches. Excellent handouts and materials ... I'd also add female-, enby-, trans-, and LGBTQ-friendly." - W., male, 39. ""Focus is on story, roleplay, and fun, but with enough crunch to keep wargamers happy." - M., male, 46. For more details, please see my reviews!

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