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Cost Per Player


Xibones (he/him)



Voice Actor
Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Voices, Creativity, Knows the Rules

About me

i have been DMing for four years now, most of that time has been homebrew 5th edition and that is what i have narrowed in on, currently i'm working on my own homebrew world in which i have four different games going on, what happens in this games can make dents or marks in to the world so its a fully responcive world. Now aside from my homebrew i tend to be a nicer DM sometimes correcting mistakes on the fly if they happen such as an enemy that does too much damage or pulling enemies a bit closer if i forgot about the party's speed, but this doesn't mean that players and npcs don't die they will but that is where the players come in, in my opinion the players should be free to try and do what ever they want as long as it makes sense.

GM Style

as a dm i make my games heavily story driven, difficult combat that in some cases may not be so straightforward, i tend to follow the rule of cool quite a bit as i enjoy to see the players come out triunfant withe some added flare and i enjoy playing aroud with npc voices.

Game platforms used
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