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Carpe DM

2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, Knows the Rules, Voices

About me

Well met aspiring adventurers! My name is Yusuf and have been GM'ing for about 10 years now and been running a steady session for over 2 years. I have been writing short stories since I was 10, mainly sci-fi and fantasy, which bleeds well into GM'ing. I am mostly experienced in D&D (5e) but also try to branch into other systems such as Call of Cthulhu and Mothership. I enjoy preparing character-oriented adventures, meaning if you survive an infested mine, you will probably gain a little insight about your past, one of your companions or the world you live in. Most of my players prefer to go on these adventures in my home-brew world where it has a unique history, geography and mythology where they can interact and shape the world-changing events but don't let their preferences affect what you want to play. Whether you want to survive the horrors of the cold, unforgiving void of space, solve the mystery of Castle Ravenloft or want to find your place in an ever-changing fantastical world, veteran or beginner; contact me and we'll have fun.

GM style

I try to emphasise how character choices affect the world where the PCs live in. I believe balance between action, exploration and roleplaying allows players to have a good time and have unforgettable moments. As an author, I love world-building and appereciate role-playing. I allow and encourage my players to use their imaginations and come up with outide the box solutions. This is one of the reasons why I love playing with new players; exploring boundaries becomes a fun experience. As a bioengineer in the middle of his PhD, you may expect some science-oriented stories (yes even in high fantasy settings, magic can be considered as a different branch of science) from me as well as adventures that integrate character backstories and choices. I love describing environments, NPCs, as well as events and encourage my players to try to describe their actions to enhance immersion. World-building is very important to me because I believe having a consistent world with certain rules not only improves immersion but also allows players to think new ways to overcome obstacles. I try to do different voices for different characters but they are not as good as my ambient effects (for the moment). As a GM I may roleplay your enemies or obstacles but know that deep down I am rooting for you rascals.


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