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2 years on StartPlaying

74 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Voices, Creativity

About me

Hello! I'm Ben. I've been DMing D&D for the last three years, multiple games a week. I've had in-person games but also have been running multiple games online through Roll20. I love running D&D, and at least so far all of my players have enjoyed the style I use when running the game quite a bit. I love roleplay and combat in almost equal measure and am willing to adapt how much of both are involved in a typical session. For me, part of the fun of DMing is playing all the extra parts of the heroes' story, and I love trying to make the NPCs in my game distinct. The adventure and the story following the player characters is something I take very seriously, but I'm more than willing to laugh along with players and include some levity in the game. My table is one where everyone should feel respected and comfortable, and my game is LGBTQ+ friendly. In Session 0, I will run through a number of questions to determine everyone's comfort level with certain topics, as well as general expectations for how we would play the game together. I would love to run a campaign for you.

GM Style

I love all parts of D&D. I want combat to feel challenging without always being a slog, and I want to have roleplay encounters feel like dramatic scenes without leaving anyone not in the scene out of the game for too long. I like doing voices and giving NPCs distinct mannerisms. I also love puzzles and dungeon delving, and strive to make them feel thematically appropriate and relevant to the story. I enjoy writing and weaving character backstories into the larger narrative, and I also frequently give personal bits of flair to characters to expand their arsenal in unique ways.

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