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3 years on StartPlaying

About me

Hello! I am Oog and I have been DMing for over 5 years. I started off DMing for a group of close friends and we played for a couple of years from there I started branching out to new groups often times with strangers. This was the first big step for me to really fall in love with the hobby as a whole as I was exposed to incredible roleplayers, storytellers, and quite a few lifelong friends. It was around this time I began to refine my style as a Game Master learning what aspects of the game I enjoyed focusing on and working on finding ways to up the enjoyment factor of the parts that were less interesting to me. From this I have learned that I enjoy a heavy roleplay game where everyone at the table is contributing to the storytelling process. I've completed countless campaigns and expect to complete a vast many more. Hopefully, you will join me on these upcoming adventures!

GM Style

If you like the sound of a game with: real meaningful choices that have impact both major and minor; well developed and fleshed out NPC's with desires, aspirations, fears, and dreams; interesting plots woven into the setting, characters backstories, and creative twists on classic tropes then my playstyle will likely resonate quite well with you! Since the start of the pandemic I have highly specialized and focused on maximizing fun in a virtual tabletop setting. As such I have become highly proficient in map-making, special effects, audio design, and of course keeping a well maintained music playlist for providing ambience. Learning how to use Foundry (my preferred VTT and a free choice for all players) has been extremely useful in elevating what's possible when it comes to running the game. Plentiful maps both for battle and exploration can be expected in addition to ample care and attention being paid to the theater of the mind aspect of the game; in other words, high visual fidelity complemented with vivid descriptions to make scenes as immersive as possible.

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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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