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Voice Actor

3 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Voices

About me

So the reason why I wanted to host games is because I am so motivated to make people smile and I love being around a table full of people and being able to be the person to make you all smile in some way no matter how small that smile may be :) On another note, my games do not hold back on content that will sometimes be hard to take in. If you feel uncomfortable with this, then all I ask is that we talk about this before hand so that way I know what level to work at with you and what makes you comfortable and uncomfortable.

GM Style

I love acting so I encourage great role playing as much as possible. I usually try to run a balanced experience with combat vrs role play. I can adjust how I run my games depending on what my players are more interested in and am ultimately there for you guys to just have fun. I will never run a pre-written module as I find that those adventures are too generic in how they play out and don't leave room for enough creative freedom. I will always run a homebrew campaign or one-shot and will try as best I can to accommodate the players choice and freedom. For example, if you think you can melt the ice golem with fireball and you roll enough successes, then yes. You really can MELT the ice golem with fireball.

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