Cost Per Player
William Baylor (he/him)
3 years on StartPlaying
About me
I've been playing table top games for over a decade. I stated with D&D 3.5e and hopped between Pathfinder, D&D 5e, and now I want to try my hand at Pathfinder 2e. Four years back, I became the DM (GM) for a few co-workers and ran several campaigns as well as a few one-shots. I absolutely enjoy making and creating campaigns for my players and often find myself dedicating several hours each day to add new traps, NPCs, and dungeons solely for the enjoyment of my players. I also enjoy making puzzles to add to the campaigns I host. Let's face it, sometimes a "I roll to solve" just breaks the immersion. Nothing beats having a series of levers and items needing to be utilized to progress the story or obtain a magical item.
GM Style
I adjust my playstyle depending on the climate of the players. I have done roleplay heavy sessions where players have acted as mediators between two warring factions and I have also done dungeon runs where players break into a long forgotten ruin with the sole purpose of looting and fighting what was inside. I also enjoy a downtime mechanic for players who want their character to do more than questing. Perhaps your character is a smith by trade and when not infiltrating orc hordes, enjoys making chainmail for the local garrison. Sessions I run typically last 2 hours. I believe this is enough time to complete the one-shots for the week, but still give my players the freedom to have their weekends. Currently, I am only doing short sessions to test the waters. If I have enough dedicated players I could try running a full campaign.
Game platforms used
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