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Grin Without a Cat (James)
4 years on StartPlaying
55 games hosted
About me
Greetings! I began playing Dungeons & Dragons when I was in middle school back in 1983 (yes, I am that old, lol). Ever since then, I have been addicted to the game, as a player, of course, but especially as a Dungeon Master. My campaign setting is an original homebrew called the World of Paenterre. Currently I am delivering the content via D&D Beyond, Tale Spire, Syrinscape, and Discord.
GM Style
Focusing on the social aspects of the game, my sessions tend to have a lot of dialogue between players and NPCs, and I encourage players to roleplay amongst themselves as much or as little as they are comfortable with. That said, who doesn't enjoy a good tactical battle! So when combat occurs, we employ 3D battle maps and tokens, and play it out on the virtual table top (Talespire), board-game style. I consider myself Chaotic Good as a DM, meaning that I play mostly by the rules, but have no fear of bending them whenever I feel it suits the story or the mood of the table. Ultimately my goal is to provide my players with a quality entertainment experience to the best of my ability. To that end I am always open to hearing from you how I can better make that happen. And I expect my players to always remember my Golden Rule of D&D... "Bring the drama to the game, not to the table." :) Besides the full DDB access and character artwork, my sessions also feature voiceover introduction/recaps, complete with music and sfx.
Games played
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