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John Sears

3 years on StartPlaying

About me

50% of all proceeds will go to charity. Sick of D&D and ready to try something else? Want to game outside of the box? I'm powered by the Apocalypse, baby! All variants, Apocalypse World, Monster of the Week, Urban Shadows, Uncharted Worlds... even a Harry Potter murder mystery? If there's a setting you want to explore, I'll help you uncover every interesting scenario worth digging up. I've even created my own PbtA systems to fit the setting including a pirate/Cthulu inspired adventure! Yeah, there will always be a spot in my heart for D&D 5e, but if you want to try the Witcher RPG or a silly one-shot with Risus? I'm right there with you! D&D with a twist? Lets go! I like videogames, anime, history, sci-fi, fantasy and tennis. But if you want a Tennis TTRPG, I'll have to do some thinking first.

GM style

I love roleplay, and you never know what character voice is going to come out. I think combat encounters are fine, but in service of the story, if you want deep, tactical 2+ hour long combat encounters, look elsewhere. If its 5 heroes vs. one cobold, the encounter is already over. The appeal to me is puzzling through what NPCs will do given the ever changing landscape my PCs etch, organic worldbuilding, and embracing chaos. Lets tell a story together. I won't let you get lost, but you'll be anything but safe.


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