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4 years on StartPlaying

24 games hosted

Highly rated for: Knows the Rules, Teacher, Sets the Mood

About me

Like a lot of fellas my age, I started out playing Dungeons and Dragons in the 1980s. And, if you've ever seen "ET" or "Stranger Things", it was *exactly* like that (right down to the wooden paneling in the basement). Throughout the years, I've had the privilege to sit across the gaming table from some *wonderfully* knowledgeable players and game masters. And I've had an opportunity to play a wide variety of games. I'd like to pass those experiences on to others, so that they can enjoy a *really* great session at the gaming table as much as I have.

GM Style

I want my players to creatively help craft the outcome of their own game. The best games I've ever run are where a player said, "What if I..." or "Can we..." as opposed to just following along with the story line. Pre-canned adventures? Custom adventures? They're *all* great as long as my players are shaping the environment along the way. Who are my favorite types of players? 1) Brand new, shiny, never-played-an-RPG-before people. 2) Long-time veterans who are humble, patient, and courteous enough to play with new players.

Game platforms used
Game Master Reviews (14)


Players say this GM is great at:

Knows the Rules


Sets the Mood

Paul Sanders avatar

Paul Sanders

New review

Played 1 sessions

I joined Frederick’s Foundry seminar and was very impressed with his style. He scaffolded information and had an instinct on when to check in with everyone attending. Teaching online is difficult, but he has a knack for it. Overall, I found the seminar interesting, informative, and ultimately thorough. It was worth the time spent, for sure!

Yevi avatar


New review

This Foundry VTT workshop was incredibly helpful! As someone new to the platform, I was initially overwhelmed, but Frederick broke down the key features and functionalities in a clear and easy-to-understand way.

Brett T avatar

Brett T

New review

Frederick was amazingly patient and was able to get across all the points of this 'webinar' easily and with next to no confusion on any point he presented. This educational segment went double the time length, but at no time did I feel like I was bored or checking out. Great Job.

Bogue (Meepology) avatar

Bogue (Meepology)

Played 1 sessions

Rockstar GM - walks you through everything with ease and patience. Has a sense of humor and flows well with any reasonable antics. Will play a campaign again for sure!

Matt avatar


Great DM for getting started in Fallout. My party learned the system and really enjoyed the encounter. We got to experience the game at a good pace slowly introducing new mechanics as we went.

Adam avatar


Played 1 sessions

Frederick was great; I definitely recommend him as a GM. I played a Fallout one-shot with him on the Foundry VTT. I had no prior knowledge of the game system or the Foundry VTT. We made a PC and played through the basics: crafting, combat, exploration, etc. I had a great time, so I'll certainly book him again!

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