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3 years on StartPlaying

About me

Hello. My real name is Karlis, and im from Latvia. Profile pic is from a photo shoot with my friends at the end of our Curse of Sthrad campaign...when lockdown wasn't a thing. Either way, I have been playing DnD e5 for 4 years and been a DM for 2. Recently finished my first campaign, and Im still DMing a Warhamer fantasy roleplay campaign ( warhammer fans hit me up) . Currently looking for people to entertain with a new campaing, and hell why not earn a bit of money doing it.

GM style

I would describe my GMing style as: prepare, prepare, be ready to throw it all away and improvise as you watch everything burn down before your eyes. I love silly dum things in games as much as I do serious and dark moments. My games tend to have more dark themes. Humor is usually grimdank. Tend to be more rule of cool guy, cuss rules in dnd are more like guide lines. All types of players and people are accepted, tho I do prefer players over the age of 14 beacouse of the dark themes I include in my games.

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