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Game Knight!

3 years on StartPlaying

33 games hosted

Highly rated for: Voices, Storytelling, Rule of Cool

Average response time: 11 hours

Response rate: 50%

About me

Hi! My name’s Dave Knight. (I’m pretty terrible at talking myself up please bare with me.) So I’ve been trying for the longest time to come up with a really articulate way to describe essentially that I love telling stories and I love making sure you’re going to have a good time. I’ve been trying real hard. One little problem: I run games already five days a week and I never get time to sit and think on it. And that’s been going on since before I found this place. I’ve been a dm since 2005 in everything from exalted to d&d 5e to deadlands to dark heresy to Star Wars to SEVERAL Cthulhu games to fate and back. I love telling stories and I love seeing people have a good time sharing them. Since the pandemic I’ve been working overtime running games and a good chunk of my players said I need to join this. I’m not gonna waste your time; at the end of the day we’re all doing this stuff to have a good time amongst friends. That’s what I promise you. Whatever game we play together that’s my deal. If you aren’t having fun I don’t want to take your money or waste your time. What ya say?

GM style

I’m a pretty flexible gm, but I do tend to shy away from really technical heavy games. I tend to gloss over spell components and I’m a big proponent for the rule of cool. I tend to reward cleverness, friendship among players and generally whatever entertains us all.

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