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Bryson (Acheron Jaezred)

4 years on StartPlaying

About me

Hello all, I'm an experience DM that has been DMing 5e for 2 years as well as having experience in being a player of both D&D 3.5e and 5e for 15 years now. Most of my games are in the Forgotten Realms setting using canon lore mixed in with homebrew providing an amazing journey that you can also learn the Forgotten Realms in. I run self-written games as well as pre-written games. I also create realistic maps and edit pre-made ones to make more realistic and alluring. Sound effects and music to set the mood is something I use constantly. I also do voices and have quite a bit of acting background mainly thanks to D&D. Currently I'm running a homebrew games I wrote called "The Curse of the Shadow Shard" as well as a mashup of Descent Into Avernus, Heroes of Baldur's Gate, and homebrew. I'm currently looking for more players.

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