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Jules (n/a)


1 year on StartPlaying

About me

Welcome to the Sanguine Table. I have been the Game Master of this particular huge-flat-surface-perfect-for-rolling-dice for about twenty years. There are Rules of the Sanguine Table that are different from these Rules of Engagement. The Rules of the Sanguine Table are much simpler (there are only ten), and I employ them across all my games, including the rare instances where I am allowed to be a player. I have made two GMs rage-quit in my tenure as a player, so I GM. Now, I have been enslaved by way of an Arcane Mark to a Gnomian Red Wizard by the name of William “Big Bill” Lizzard. It forces me to call him Big Bill or Bill Lizzard every time I speak his name, among other nefarious deeds. He discovered my complete inability to tell a mundane tale, and thought to capitalize off such a weakness. Apparently, spinning an epic yarn or two had him seeing platinum. I ran into him on my quest to get the components for a Resurrection Spell for my dog. He swears he can do the spell, so long as I make him a certain amount of money over the next few years. And well, my dog, she’s worth it. So I agreed to the contract. In my servitude, I must follow his unscrupulous business model, and gather coin for him. However, (BIG BOOMING VOICE) STORY IS PARAMOUNT. Though I must do as he commands, I don’t have to do it past game start. All business is concluded before the session commences. Once the game begins, all bets are off.

GM style

I run a campaign that may be considered dark and gritty. If it is a possibility in the real world, it is a possibility in a fantasy world. I have no limits, and fully believe humor is the best coping mechanism for wild and terrible things. That does not mean anything goes with full acceptance - if you want to try something that's not socially acceptable, go for it. There are consequences to all actions, both in character and out of character, good and bad.

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