Exandria: Ank'Harel is Burning (An Explorer's Guide to Wildemount stand alone One Shot)

Exandria: Ank'Harel is Burning (An Explorer's Guide to Wildemount stand alone One Shot)

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Theater of the Mind, Foundry VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Ank’Harel's streets are ablaze. The continent has just learned of the freeing of a betrayer god’s pet off the shores of Wildemount. The citizens of the continent of Marquet are rightfully terrified, and chaos now besets the city and her streets. Can someone calm the people down? Can the rampage in the streets be stopped? Will J'mon Sa Ord get the city back under control? "The streets are filled with chaos and destruction. Groups of people can be seen running and screaming, some with looks of pure terror on their faces. Many of the buildings you can see have been vandalized and set on fire, filling the air with thick smoke and the smell of burning wood and metal. Broken glass and debris litter the streets, making it difficult to navigate through the crowds. The sounds of shattering windows, screams, and the blaring of alarms can be heard all around. Amidst the chaos, small skirmishes and clashes between rioters and the hands of ord can be seen, adding to the sense of danger and unrest. It feels as though the city has descended into anarchy, with no one in control. Can anyone help?" Our story is set on the Continent of Marquet, in the city of Ank'Harel, in the world of Matt Mercer's creation: Exandria. Whether you’re a fan of Critical Role, or just enjoy rolling some dice, I welcome you to the table. This adventure will be a level 8 one-shot that will take 3-5 hours to complete. What you will need? -Discord for voice chat. Video is not required though it is encouraged. -DndBeyond account (free) -Chrome browser recommended -Forgevtt.com account (free)

1 year on StartPlaying

216 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Visual Aid

Additional Details

How to prepare

🎤 Microphone is required on whatever device you have discord downloaded on. Camera is encouraged but not required. 📖 Basic knowledge of the game is required. You don't need to know all the rules, just the basics of D&D 5e. 🖥️ For the best experience a PC is required. 🎲 All dice will be rolled via DndBeyond using the digital roller on your character sheets. Character sheets should be made at least 2 hours before the game begins.

What I provide

Most of the races, subclasses, and backgrounds via the DndBeyond campaign. All sounds and streaming of maps will be done using FoundryVTT and the 'D&D Night Everynight' discord server.

Gameplay details

💼 ~SAFETY TOOLS FOR CONSENT~💼 At my table I want every player to be comfortable, to ensure this I use safety tools in all of my games. Before my games I have all players fill out the a TTRPG Safety and Consent Questionnaire. All of this will be available from the Discord server. ⚔ ~COMBAT~ 🏹 I try to make all my combats Hard or Deadly when using the encounter builder on DNDBeyond. Quick thinking, and a good plan will be needed, although fleeing is always an option. 🧊~RULE OF COOL~🧊 While I use RAW and RAI, I also enjoy a fun scene that my players help create. If the idea if fun, we might just have to roll🎲 for it 🎵 ~Music~🎵 I play music through Kenku FM on my discord server to help immerse the players into the game 📖~NEWCOMERS WELCOME~📖 I am always open to helping newcomers learn the game. If you have questions in the game or before, don't be afraid to ask. I've never met someone to sit at the table for the first time and not have a question or two.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Bleed
  • Breaks
  • Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

PC's will be level 8 for this adventure. All players will create their characters using DndBeyond (this is free for you and most playable races and subclasses will be available when you join my campaign.) You can create your character using the DndBeyond Campaign link you get from joining this game. Use the point buy system to allocate stat scores for your playable character. **When creating your character on the first page under CHARACTER PREFERENCES, you will enable the following for your character.** -SOURCES- Critical Role Content -OPTIONAL FEATURES- Optional Class Features and Customize Your Origin -HIT POINT TYPE- Fixed -ENCUMBRANCE TYPE- No Encumbrance. All available race, subclass, and backgrounds will be available for you to pick during creation. 📖If you would like a premade sheet, please let me know and I can get that set up for you.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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