Empire on the Rise | Lvl 1-13 | Homebrew | Begginer friendly | 🏳️‍🌈 friendly

Empire on the Rise | Lvl 1-13 | Homebrew | Begginer friendly | 🏳️‍🌈 friendly

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on D&D Beyond, Above VTT

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 6 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session


About the adventure

"A group of adventures is celebrating their first finished job in a tavern in the city of Neverwinter. They safely escorted a merchant caravan from Luskan. However, their celebration is cut short once the innkeeper shares grim news with them: There is talk of war in the south. Baldur's Gate is besieged! Lord's alliance is mustering its armies!" Hello adventurers and welcome to the legendary Sword Coast! While iconic locations like Neverwinter or Baldur's Gate will undoubtedly feature in our journey, prepare to uncover lesser-known gems scattered across Faerun as well. In this epic world of high fantasy, a large conflict is brewing and you are thrown right into the middle of it. So, ready your swords and sharpen your wits, for the adventure ahead is as perilous as it is thrilling! :) In this campaign, we will follow the DND 5th edition rules (enhanced by the Rule of Cool) using classes and races only from the Player's Handbook (PHB). The setting of the campaign will be more or less sandboxy and you will get a lot of freedom in your decision-making, however, the world will not always wait for your decision. Something you can look forward to, among other things, are large-scale battles. Ideally, you are at least at beginner level when it comes to your DnD experience, but I am used to playing with complete newbies as well. The game will be conducted with all respect to participating players, everyone will get their space to "shine" and participate and most importantly have a good time. :)


Less than a year on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

You are going to need a microphone, webcam, Discord, DnD Beyond account, and AboveVTT Chrome extension. If you are completely new to DnD, you will ideally go through the Basic Rules before Session Zero, but everything will be explained during the session as well if necessary. And you will also need to create your characters in advance.

What I provide

As a DM, I am flexible and enjoy improvisation a lot. That's why I give the players plenty of space to express themselves. I also like to use ambient music. In addition to normal combat, which I do enjoy, I am currently researching large-scale combat and battles that will likely take place in the campaign. I have not settled on the exact rules yet and will potentially be open to your suggestions as well. :) The Rule of Cool is a must.

Gameplay details

What are we going to go over during Session Zero: 1. Scheduling (we will discuss how often you want to play and for how long, we will also set up regular breaks) 2. Table Expectations (we will discuss the depth of roleplay, metagaming, how much narrative control players have, PvP, and much more) 3. Campaign Framework (we will discuss how closely are your characters linked, the accessibility of magic, primary environments, etc.) 4. House Rules

Content warnings


Safety tools used

  • Breaks

  • Open Door

  • Session 0

How will character creation work

For character creation, we are going to use DnD Beyond. You will be expected to create your characters before Session Zero utilizing the races and classes from the Player's Handbook (I will gladly assist you with that). You can either use Point Buy or Standard Array. Your characters will be starting at level 1 and we will use milestone leveling. For the sake of the cooperative nature of this game, you should not pick an evil alignment. You can only have the starting equipment. We will keep track of rations and water for the group as a whole and I prefer not to track the weight, we will just follow common sense (eg if you decide to strip every enemy of every piece of equipment they have, it will very soon become an issue and you will not be able to carry more). The focus should be on the good flow of the game, teamwork, roleplaying and challenging combat of all sorts, and I am personally not a big fan of min-maxing, let's just have fun. :)

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium

  • Roleplay: High

  • Puzzles: Low

  • Experience Level: Beginner

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