Djinn's Labyrinth: Metal Vessel Within

Djinn's Labyrinth: Metal Vessel Within

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on D&D Beyond, Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Are you in love with the anime series Magi, and the Adventures of Sinbad? Tales of a dungeon so extremely difficult that thousands soldiers went in hungry to take the power for their kings, only to never return from their endeavors. This game is a spin on the Magi tales, but set in a world that accepts all races and classes alike. No two games will ever be the same. This one-shot is unlike others, because after completing one of the dungeons, you are free to return with the same character, and your magical wares, to take on a different dungeon that’s appeared. This may give some advantages to returning players, but the game is meant to be interesting! And it doesn’t mean returning players are automatically going to win either. The point is to have fun, and this way the story can feel like a campaign, but players don’t have to commit to returning each week. This game is a lot different from my typical games. It consists of heavy combat and some puzzles that the group will have to overcome along the way. There will still be a lot of opportunities for character roleplay, but each Djinn’s Dungeon will have several enemies that you’ll have to face to make it to the Treasure Room. **These enemies, while typically some would know to be impossible to beat at level 10, are modified so that they can be defeated. In addition, some lesser monsters are modified to be a little more difficult as well.** That being said, roleplay is still a huge part of my campaigns. Making sure everyone gets a chance to roleplay with my NPCs, or even with other players is something I strive to do. I always encourage roleplay, especially if some people want to take some downtime to have discussions in character.


2 years on StartPlaying

78 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Storytelling

Additional Details

How to prepare

At the start of our game, please have your character sheet ready for playing, and a rounded token for your character on the VTT (virtual tabletop). We will be using dndBeyond, Roll20, and Discord. Please also have the Chrome/Firefox extension “Beyond 20” downloaded and installed so that your dndBeyond rolls will be linked and posted on Roll 20. For rolling dice, we will be using dndBeyond or Roll20. This way everyone is playing fair. This campaign will be audio based, so a microphone is required to play (headset microphones work fine, no need for a fancy one). Video is optional, so a webcam is not required. While playing the game, we will be using Roll20. At the moment, Roll20 is not available on mobile devices, so you'll need access to a computer to play. However, if you don’t have access to one, I’m sure someone playing will be able to share their screen for you.

What I provide

I will be bringing detailed VTT maps for both battles and general roleplaying. I like to give a good idea to my players for what they’re able to interact with (without taking several minutes describing the whole scene for roleplay). I will also have rounded NPCs for your characters to interact with, and possibly fight!

Gameplay details

Players can expect a medium-paced game with plenty of opportunities to ask questions. I will be providing detailed VTT maps on Roll20 so players will be able to see exactly what is in front of them. Content Warnings Description: I always add "alcohol use" because I sometimes like to make a drink for the game, not really because most of the NPCs use it. Within the labyrinth, there will be several challenges that the players will face. There are also several soldiers and adventurers who came before and failed. On the battle maps there will be an occasional skeleton, but no visuals of blood or "new" bodies. I will give various descriptions using Theater of the Mind to portray anything else in the game, including when monsters attack. Due to this, there is a possibility that your character may die in the game. But if anything happens and it isn't a desired outcome of the story you'd like, we can always change the way it plays out!

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Breaks
  • Lines and Veils
  • Luxton Technique
  • Luxton Technique Discussion
  • Open Door
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Please have a character ready to play before the start of the game! For this game, you can bring a level 10 character. All races and classes are allowed to be played. In addition to starting equipment, you’ll get 500 gp to buy anything else for your character. Rolling for Stats: Using you will utilize the group rolling system. Select 3 groups and roll each one on the site. Once you have rolled out all your stats, pick one and assign each number to an ability. If you roll 3 sets that have multiple 7's, 8's or 9's, I'll let you roll one more time for a total of 4 sets. Rolling for HP: You can either take the average HP or roll for HP to try and max it out. If you roll horribly, you have the option to pick average. All character sheets must be created on dndBeyond. If you don’t have access to content for a specific class or race, once you sign up and get added to my server I’ll send you a “campaign” link that will share my paid content with you. This way I can see your characters, and if I need to give you homebrew magic items or homebrew races, it will be much easier to set things up.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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