Trailer in Description! | Book of Cylinders | Lvl 6 One-Shot

Trailer in Description! | Book of Cylinders | Lvl 6 One-Shot

Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Foundry VTT, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3.5 to 4.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session


About the adventure

Link to Trailer: (copy paste the link into your browsers search bar) _____________________________________________________________________ The Yuan-ti have descended upon Grippli Village. They ransack and pillage, hunting for the last key to their evil ritual, the Book of Cylinders. The Grippli despair, unable to drive the Yuan-ti out of their swamp. Unknown to them however, there is hope. The Pond Mother has escaped the village, and employed a courageous band of adventurers to save the Grippli, and stop the dark ritual. If the adventurers can find the Book of Cylinders before the Yuan-ti, they might stand a chance against the growing horde of snakes. For within the book lies an ancient weapon, which has banished the serpents in ages past. _____________________________________________________________________ This one-shot is for adventurers of 6th level, and is open to players of all experience levels. Book of Cylinders is and adventure from the Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition anthology Candle Keep Mysteries. It has been streamlined and enhanced to function as an entertaining self contained one-shot adventure. Players can expect dynamic combat that rewards creativity, and a dramatic story that weaves a heroic, player centric narrative. _______________________________________________________________________ Tokens by Crosshead Studios and Devin Night Tokens. Map art by Crosshead Studios.

Game Designer

Less than a year on StartPlaying

Additional Details

How to prepare

Players will need: šŸ—¹ A decent quality computer and good internet connection. Heroic Quests uses high resolution maps and tokens, some of which are animated. An old toaster computer or bad internet connection will struggle to run adventures smoothly. šŸ—¹ A decent quality microphone and headset so that you can hear us and we can hear you. šŸ—¹ A D&D Beyond account (free). šŸ—¹ A Discord account (free).

What I provide

Heroic Quests provides a Foundry VTT license, automation tools to make the game snappier, spell effects, high quality virtual maps and tokens, and most D&D beyond digital books.

Gameplay details

Any subject matter that is uncomfortable or a no-go for players can be brought up within the session 0 and discussed as to whether that subject matter can be removed from the adventure. If the subject matter is core to the adventures story, a player will be informed of this during the session 0, allowing them to find an adventure that suits them better, without being charged any money.

Content warnings


Safety tools used

  • Breaks

  • Session 0

How will character creation work

Currently Heroic Quests does not use the 2024 Players Handbook. Heroic Quests will begin using the 2024 Players Handbook when Foundry VTT automation tools have integrated it. I will send you a link to the D&D Beyond campaign in which you can create your character. All Heroic Quests do not allow the following character options: Tieflings, Warlocks, Twilight and Peace Domain Clerics, Ecco Knights, Chronurgy Magic Wizards, and Moon Druids. Players can choose to generate their ability scores with the point buy method, or by using the rolling method with the GM present, allowing them to re roll one ability score. For this Heroic Quest, in addition to a characters starting equipment, they can begin with: šŸ—¹ Two uncommon consumable magic items. šŸ—¹ One common item. šŸ—¹ One uncommon magic item. Experienced players are free to create their character on their own through D&D Beyond following the above guidelines and the homebrew rules found in the Heroic Quests Discord server. Characters created in this way need GM approval before being added to the adventure. All players are offered a free session 0 to help create their characters and establish expectations for the adventure. Session 0's for one-shots are done one on one, while session 0's for campaigns are done with the whole group present. Character creation and advancement is done through D&D Beyond. The characters are then brought into Foundry VTT. Furthermore, any players who have completed their session 0 and are new to Dungeons and Dragons 5e or Foundry VTT, are offered an additional tutorial session free of charge. This session takes around 15 minutes, and is used to help the player learn some of the core rules of Dungeons and Dragons and important controls for Foundry VTT. This way new players can hit the ground running during session 1.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: High

  • Roleplay: Medium

  • Puzzles: Medium

  • Experience Level: Beginner

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