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Save Against Fear 2021

Save Against Fear 2021

OCT 7 - OCT 10, 2021

Every year since 2010, The Bodhana Group combines its love for tabletop with the love for our community by showcasing all of the benefits gaming can accomplish. Celebrating the games, the people, and the opportunities to learn how to bring your own character to life, play with us, and game for good at Save Against Fear! This event is our flagship fundraiser and we use it every year to not only raise funds for our programs but also as a way to bring awareness to our organization and its mission. 2021’s Save Against Fear is going to feature not only great and engaging sessions, but a wealth of opportunities for us to partner with local game stores and online content creators such as podcasters, streamers, and social media personalities to help bring us into a much wider audience! We all would love to be in person as we all know last year has been challenging to say the least. But we are not yet safe for the numbers we would like to see and be safe for everyone. Sign up to play, run, join a stream! There are so many ways to get involved and support the mission! This is our second online campaign and we are again making it a year-long festival of fundraising that will ensure our services and our mission reach as many people as possible. All proceeds benefit The Bodhana Group, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that advocates and utilizes tabletop gaming as a directed therapeutic and clinical practice that can benefit personal growth as well as enhance social and educational services to individuals and families. Those services include Therapeutic Tabletop Role-Playing Groups for kids, teens, and adults. Tabletop Game Programs in schools, hospitals, elder care, and community programs. Community Outreach Programs that seek to unite our community through play. Training & Consultation Services to teach other therapists how to implement therapeutic tabletop gaming into their own practice. Research done in collaboration with Universities into the efficacy of role-playing games as therapy. Thank you for your support & as always...Happy Gaming!

$934.00 raised. Let's get to $1,000.00!

Estimated amount based on approved seats in games

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