Your team, your adventuring party

Give your team the most unique, collaborative, and wildly imaginative experience with StartPlaying's Dungeons & Dragons adventures.

Plan a game

Why is Dungeons & Dragons great for teams?

It's no wonder Dungeons & Dragons has been one of the most successful games ever created. Your team - or your adventuring party – will be faced with challenges that will put their collaboration, improvisation, and tactical thinking skills to the test. It's a team-bonding experience unlike any other.

What does a Dungeons & Dragons game look like?

If you've never played a Dungeons & Dragons game before, you're in great hands. We'll immerse your team in a fantasy world with a rich storyline that gives your teammates the freedom to explore, accomplish goals, and create memories together.

Why partner with StartPlaying Games?

We're experts when it comes to tabletop role-playing games, and Dungeons & Dragons is our bread-and-butter. We have years of experience facilitating all kinds of adventures and our expert Dungeon Masters ensure your team will have an unforgettable experience.

How does it work?

Share your idea

First, we'd love to learn more about your team and what you're looking to get out of a game together. That'll help us make sure we're crafting the best adventure possible for you.

We'll plan the game

Our knowledgeable pro game masters are excellent teachers. Many of our team games have been with complete novices to Dungeons & Dragons. No prior experience is necessary.

Have fun!

Games tend to run anywhere from 1 to 3 hours depending on the kind of adventure we're building with you. Everything's virtual on Zoom so you don't have to leave the comfort of your home to enjoy the game.


Loved the suspense and drama as we moved through the board. The level of detail made it very engaging and immersive.

Tamara D.

The storytelling was top notch + helped advance the game. Also loved the fact that everyone participated and was pretty engaged throughout!


I loved it! Loved the creativity, the fun of working together, our DM was great, etc. etc. No joke tonight made my month. I've been dying to try playing forever.

Josh A.

Ready to start playing?

Schedule a call with our team and we can start building your next team adventure.

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