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Seed of the Nameless -  A campaign for The One Ring 2ed

Seed of the Nameless - A campaign for The One Ring 2ed

The One Ring 2e | Campaign

About the adventure

We have just finished the prologue of this long-term campaign. Dramatically it is a good timing to join at this point. Do not feel impressed by joining an ongoing campaign, the group is very kind and agile, we will accomodate you perfectly, cosy cosy. :) Gandalf puts together a group of adventurers for a mysterious purpose... An elf lady heads west for her last journey off the shores. Unnamed black riders roam across Eriador. Strangers from the South take refuge in the North. And a dragon egg broods in Rivendell! That campaign brings all major aspects of the genre to the fore: Quest, Self-sacrifice, Hope and Despair, Friendship, Cultures and Traditions, Awe and Wonder, Exploration and Discovery, Fate, Ancient Atifacts and Old Lore, White and Dark Magic... And a quest that none could possibly dare undertake... The whole Tolkien package! The core of the story is based on a plot of mine, mixed with elements of Ruins of the Lost Realm, Tales from the Lone Land, TOR1 and even some stuff from MERP! The plot is meant to take the fellowship many places for a very terrible purpose... The game will run weekly for as many sessions as the campaign may require, which means months of gameplay! I am looking for dedicated players, as passionate of RPG and Middle-Earth as I am. People fond of roleplaying and eager to generously push forth their imagination. Join me on this human experience that is roleplaying and let's create a wonderful world full of adventures and surprises! Game sessions are recorded and uploaded on my YouTube channel: "Sleep my child. Bath in slumber until ages pass, until your morning comes. Sleep and wander in the dream realm where all is one, where space measured by the length of a sword and time by the beat of the mountain are no more… Do not fend for your first breath but heed the call of the world, moaning for its own destruction. The world is young that has not known its own demise; such a world hails for a destiny embeded in its core. The crust of the land, the air below the skies shall abide your fateful coming and bow to your kingly whim. Sleep my child and tread the dream realms of the beyond, see through the bark the blood that animates all, hear through the walls the thoughts that move the dead. For your day shall arise and on its wings you shall contemplate the breadth of your vision, the might of your word. Then your speech shall bend rock and river, your mind pierce the veil of secret wishes, and your single desire shape the lay of the land from one end of the world to the other."

Game style

Theater of the Mind

“Theater of the Mind” uses little to no visuals for scene settings and combat. Instead, the narrative imagery comes from the Game Master’s descriptions and character action and movement comes from Players’ descriptions.

Roleplay Heavy

“Roleplay Heavy” games place the focus on the story, the characters, and the world they live within, and tend to lean hard into the various roleplaying elements of the game. These games will frequently find the party talking with NPCs, exploring the personal elements of their backstories, or even having emotional moments around the camp fire.

Adi (n/a)



1 year on StartPlaying

61 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Sets the Mood, Creativity

Average response time: 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

Players are expected to be familiar with the Middle-Earth setting. They are encouraged to read The One Ring core book and its rules but that is only optional. Use of webcam and good audio is a requirement. Sessions will be recorded and uploaded to Fringe Worlds YouTube channel.

What I provide

I will bring you a cosy game environment in the Foundry VTT, customised specially for The One Ring, with background pictures for scenes, 3D dice, maps and tokens, sample pictures for characters, ambient music and sounds. I will bring forth my experience in acting, music and visual arts in order to structure games that are altogether fast paced and rythmically sound, with an emphasis on a balanced air-time presence for each participant. Player cooperation and interactive roleplay is the name of the game.

Gameplay details

Adi will invite you to a video interview to make sure we are all on the same page and have the best group possible. Then during Session 0 we all get to meet with each others for the first time, get a first look at the Foundry VTT interface and create our characters together.

Content warnings

Safety tools used


How will character creation work

We will create characters together during Session 0. The players are encouraged to look for a complementary cast of characters, in order to help and create original roleplaying oppportunities.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used

Foundry VTT



/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Thursday - 7:00 PM UTC

Mar 27 / Session 0

3-4 Hour duration

4 / 4 Seats filled


Off Schedule

Thu, Mar 27 | 7:00 PM - Session 0

Thu, Apr 10 | 6:00 PM - Session 1

Thu, Apr 24 | 6:00 PM - Session 2

Thu, May 01 | 6:00 PM - Session 3

Thu, May 08 | 6:00 PM - Session 4

Thu, May 15 | 6:00 PM - Session 5

Thu, May 22 | 6:00 PM - Session 6

Thu, May 29 | 6:00 PM - Session 7

Thu, Jun 05 | 6:00 PM - Session 8


Experience required: Beginner

Age: 18+