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Bastard Quest (weekdays. Session 0 Free)

Bastard Quest (weekdays. Session 0 Free)

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign

About the adventure

🥛 Embark on a ridiculous quest to find your infamous father. 🏠 Find a brand new family... All of which are also looking for your father... wait. 🎶 Get strung along into much more than you ever intended. (Session 0 runs for free, time slot and frequency negotiable by party) Years ago, your mother was charmed by a human bard with fantastic talent and literally magical music. After having indulged in a night of fun before the bard carried on his way about Faerun, your mother became pregnant with you... And so you would be born yet another of this one bard's half-blooded bastards. Seems his taste is anything bedsides than other humans. For one reason or another, you find yourself in want or need of finding your father. Closure, help, vengeance, or perhaps to castrate him lest he continue to wildly spawn more half-siblings for you. Following a request for information on the bard, you hope to find someone already tracking your father with perhaps a lead for you. In the process though, you run into a whole gaggle of your own half-siblings also with the same idea... Welp. Let's get to tracking this lecher down this serial lecher. This is my take on the Faerun setting with an absolutely absurd series of quests and missions turning the simple mission to locate your father into a series of compounded ridiculous quests wherein you will perhaps meet famous characters, maybe run into pun and joke made into tangible threats, and ultimately feel like perhaps your life mission has been for the amusement of some divine being. The campaign starts at level 3 and ends at the epic level of 20. I am using Dungeons and Dragons 5e with a few house rules and character creation restrictions to fit the setting. Each of the characters must have their own reason for wanting to find their father strong enough (or perhaps just a personality that makes them determined enough). The reasons can be the same as the others in your party or violently different/incompatible and must be discussed OOC. The position the players are in should be firm enough that they will avoid PVP at least at the start at minimum which may mean concealing your character's true intentions for a time. Your intention may absolutely evolve over time of course. IE a group with all but one that want to murder the bard may have a change of heart. And any overt PVP should be discussed and agreed in OOC first. I operate alignment as a guideline more than hardline. The axis of being Lawful-Chaotic being willingness to obey the laws and work in their confines vs distain for the law and it's restrictions. The axis of Good-Evil being a scale of selflessness to selfishness. Both influenced by your ideals with bonds and flaws being that which either drives you to keep to such or is the exception in which you act against your alignment. I.E. a noble paladin that acts without mercy for 1 particular foe due to their past, and an assassin that could never strike down a child because they have a child at home.

Game style

Roleplay Heavy

“Roleplay Heavy” games place the focus on the story, the characters, and the world they live within, and tend to lean hard into the various roleplaying elements of the game. These games will frequently find the party talking with NPCs, exploring the personal elements of their backstories, or even having emotional moments around the camp fire.


Less than a year on StartPlaying

23 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Sets the Mood, Storytelling

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

Players will require a free Discord account, a free DND Beyond account, and a mic. If at all possible, it is best to know the rules of the base DND 5e game, but I am able to provide rules info as we play/as needed.

What I provide

I have a Discord server set up with bots and a master account with DND Beyond and content sharing enabled for character creation and the DND Beyond maps for VTT. I do my best to use character voices, and welcome anyone to try or use their regular voice if that's all they're comfortable with. I also have ambient music available and optional voice recording. This campaign is meant to be light hearted and ridiculous. RP high antics with bizarre quest lines that start out fairly normal before becoming evermore wacky. I welcome a bizarre cast of characters to match this bizarre tale and if it produces emotionally impactful moments where joke characters become very emotionally impactful, then great! I stick mostly to RAW with exceptions for powerful moments and a few homebrew rules to keep things interesting that will be discussed during the free session 0. I expect players to come to me with any concerns or desires to be discussed. I can be contacted over Discord of course. I also expect players to be respectful of everyone's time and boundaries.

Gameplay details

During session 0, which will be run free of cost, all participants will be filling out the Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist and able to discuss any concerns with me. Anytime during sessions X, N, & O's will be sent digitally via discord and discord DMs to permit anonymity.

Content warnings

Safety tools used


Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

Session 0

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

Character creation will take place during a free session 0 via DND Beyond. The party will decide together whether to use point buy or roll for stats. Characters will start at level 3 and class and species options will be made available from the Grim Hollow books as well as some homebrew.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used


D&D Beyond

D&D Beyond Maps


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Thursday - 7:00 PM UTC

2-4 Hour duration

0 / 6 Seats filled


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 3 players have joined