Vecna: Eve of Ruin - Fixed and Polished
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign
About the adventure
Hello! I invite one and all to join me for a heavily reworked and revised version of Vecna: Eve of Ruin. I know not many players have gotten a chance to run the module yet as it is, but for those who either have run it or have seen a review on it, I'm looking to take it in a different direction. For many people, this module as written was a disappointment for a variety of reasons. I'm looking to make this the epic, dimension spanning, high level adventure it was always supposed to be. This game consists of several incredible locations famous to the Forgotten Realms, each of which are filled with historical figures from all-time DND lore. This would be an amazing game for intermediate-to-veteran level players, as it involves the creation of high level characters, and goes to the final tiers of play. At this stage, it requires an experienced player to run the game smoothly. But by no means will this be a combat-only campaign. There are countless spots for engaging roleplay and exploration, and with my additions, there shall be even more. If you're a player who likes epic, high-intensity combat, plot-twists, and you love the DND world and lore- this is the game for you.
Game style
Rule of Cool (RoC)
“Rule of Cool” emphasizes creative story beats over sticking to a system’s rules as written. Players have the ability to push the limits of the rules or even break core rule mechanics at times if the Game Master thinks it is interesting, fun, or cool enough.
2 years on StartPlaying
Additional details
How to prepare
The only thing you really need is a mic and a discord account. Beyond that, a character concept would be appreciated, but of course I will work with you to fit your character into the world if necessary. If you would like to come to me with a character concept, what you need to know is the following: Vecna is rising in power drastically, and in some way for some reason, you are metaphysically connected to Vecna, and are aware that this rise in power could be devastating for the multiverse. You must team up with powerful people, collect powerful items, and defeat powerful monsters in order to gather the strength to confront Vecna, and stop his efforts to destroy the world.
What I provide
Foundry VTT DND Beyond 100+ Custom Maps Character Voices Ambient MusicHighly Tactical, High Stakes Combat, while maintaining pace Rule of cool, but consistent Rewarded Exploration Deeply Ingrained Character Stories (Including plenty of freedom for character creation) Plenty of Homebrew Content, as well as requested homebrew content The Ability to Change the World and the Story in any way you like (as long as the party is cool with it) My personal background in Theatre, Live Performance, Improv, and Stage Acting
Gameplay details
The extensive list of content warnings above are showing everything that might possibly show up in the campaign, to any extent at all. It is not an upsetting campaign by any stretch, especially compared to things like Curse of Strahd, but it definitely has plenty of adult themes. Any discussion on safety tools will occur during session zero, and at any point necessary thereafter.
Content warnings
Safety tools used
• Aftercare
• Breaks
• Lines and Veils
• Session 0
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
Character creation happens during session zero, or any time available before session one. The characters will start at level ten, with rolled stats. The characters can be created in any way necessary, though DND Beyond is preferred if possible. If the options are not available on DND Beyond, you can use any character sheet you want, at which point I will try to get it onto Foundry as well. Anything Official is permitted, and anything Unofficial simply has to be run by me first. I will most likely accept it if it is both balanced and in-theme.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Platforms used
• Foundry VTT
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Tuesday - 2:00 PM UTC
3-4 Hour duration
0 / 6 Seats filled
Experience required: Intermediate
Age: 18+