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Baldur's Gate: Avernus Remastered

Baldur's Gate: Avernus Remastered

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign

About the adventure

Hello everybody! This is a game of the famous Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus; but certainly not run the same as every other. I have delved much deeper into every aspect of the game, from every location, to every NPC. Without taking away from the fundamental structure of the game, I have revamped the game to have more unique side quests, more in depth worldbuilding, and an overall more upgraded and immersive experience. I use a several different virtual tabletop tools to ensure that the game runs smoothly and cleanly. Run on Foundry VTT with dozens of high quality maps, a curated playlist just for this campaign, and access to several DND Beyond books, I try my best to get the technical difficulties out of the way as much as possible. If you want to know if this campaign is right for you, know this: I have run for people brand new to the game, and for decade-long veterans. All are welcome. For this particular campaign, there will be an emphasis on difficulty; this includes brutal combat, game-changing roleplay interactions, and exploration that can have a genuine impact on the consequences of the game. The problem is free for you to solve in any way that you can find that works; but victory will never be handed to you, only earned. The nature of Hell and its denizens are cruel and unforgiving, but they can also be incredibly rewarding. I try always to work with the players to make the best experience they can, which is why I want it to be clear this is a tough campaign, recommended for smart, creative players. For those willing to accept this challenge, willing to confront the evils of the Hells or succumb to them, this is the campaign for you. For those willing to pave their own path, whether that be saving the city of Baldur's Gate and Elturel through the path of the righteous, doing what must be done in a morally grey endeavor, or even joining the evils of the Hells, this is the game where anything is possible. Above all else, this is a game where all players get to have their fun, without stepping on anyone else's. I will not limit you, your agency is your own, and no one can take that from you. If this sounds appealing, I highly encourage you to join me in my game of Baldur's Gate, Descent into Avernus!

Voice Actor

2 years on StartPlaying

Additional details

How to prepare

Each and every player should have a mic, and discord, above all else. They should be relatively well versed in the rules of 5e and the 5e2024 rules. When we create the character, there should be a relatively in depth backstory, and something to tie them to the world and the story. My number one rule for character creation: Make a character who cares about the world and about those who live in it- in one way or another.

What I provide

Foundry VTT DND Beyond 100+ Custom Maps Character Voices Ambient MusicHighly Tactical, High Stakes Combat, while maintaining pace Rule of cool, but consistent Rewarded Exploration Deeply Ingrained Character Stories (Including plenty of freedom for character creation) Plenty of Homebrew Content, as well as requested homebrew content The Ability to Change the World and the Story in any way you like (as long as the party is cool with it) My personal background in Theatre, Live Performance, Improv, and Stage Acting

Gameplay details

In terms of safety tools, the vast majority of it will be discussed in session zero. This also includes the above content warnings.

Content warnings

Safety tools used



Lines and Veils

Open Door

Session 0

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

Character creation happens during session zero, or prior to it. I will gladly help with character creation during other times outside of game time. Stats will be rolled, with a total stat minimum. We will go over it session zero. We will start at level one, unless the party wants to start higher, in which case I can adjust for starting at level 3. The characters can get created on DND Beyond unless it doesn't have the options the player desires, in which case it can be created on Foundry or any other method necessary. If it's official, it's allowed, if it's not official, just ask me. I will most likely be okay with it.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used

Foundry VTT


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Monday - 2:00 PM UTC

3-4 Hour duration

0 / 6 Seats filled


Experience required: Intermediate

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 4 players have joined