A Crown of Feathers
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign
About the adventure
Civil War sweeps the floating islands of the Avian Empire. The House of the Rising Sun has sent the majority of their fleets across the skies to invade distant Ignaea, and in their absence the Red Brethren have emerged from hiding, growing bolder and bolder in their raids on Rising Sun ships. The esteemed Council of the Night have withdrawn to their distant forests, and rumors grow of their alliance with the Moonsingers, whose dark feathers never herald good times ahead. Meanwhile, the Carrion Houses move openly in rebellion against the proud Albatri of House Salt who call on the Rising Sun for aid in their defense. This campaign is designed around many of the same themes as stories such as Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire and Abercrombie's The First Law, a combination of political intrigue, pirates of the skies, knights of feather and air, strategy, and a player-centric story. Set in a land of floating islands inhabited by nations of Aarakocra, you will be free to find your own path through these times of turmoil. The world will evolve and change with the player's actions as you set your mark and influence on a time that will go down in history as a defining moment for the Empire held aloft by a Crown of Feathers.
Additional details
How to prepare
It would be cool if you start thinking about your character, what type of person you want to play, what their life might have been like before the adventure starts. We'll develop this in full during session 0 when I will share more information about the world, but starting to come up with ideas beforehand can make this process smoother and more fun. You will also need to create a free Forge player account in order to log into the VTT, and join the Discord server where we can start discussing ideas and hopes for the campaign. The session will have support for both video and audio, though only audio is required.
What I provide
FREE Session 0: I will start the adventure with a free session 0, during which we will meet each other, begin character creation, go over rules and guidelines, logistics, etc. Logistics: This game will be run using Foundry VTT for maps, character tokens, ambient music and lighting, and a discord server for chat and audio/video call. Players will use their own character sheets in whatever form they prefer, but will roll dice in Foundry. Style: This game will be story and roleplay heavy with some combat interspersed. It will have an overall serious feel, but with hopefully plenty of good humor and light-hearted moments. I tend to use rules as written but loosely and with a few homebrew alterations, namely the use of an injury chart when a character falls unconscious (adds stake to what I see as a faulty mechanic) and confidential death ST (adds suspense to tense situations). I am always down for improvisation if it suits the story and situation and will often alter rules slightly to suit what is happening. I do my best to voice my characters, and while my accents are far from perfect I thoroughly enjoy the acting side of roleplay and throw my all into it. Note: while it is never my goal to kill your character, be warned it may very well happen and if so I will not hesitate, as I believe this adds stake that makes the game more fun. The one assurance I can give you is that any character death will become a major story point, and you will be reintegrated as a new character asap. However, if this is not okay with you feel free to just let me know before we begin and I'll make sure that you survive, not a problem.
Gameplay details
Lines and veils doc sent out before the game, x, n, o in chat, open door communicated at the start and break midway through each session.
Content warnings
Safety tools used
• Breaks
• Lines and Veils
• Open Door
• Session 0
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
We will meet for session 0 and go over all these details there, as well as begin work on character creation together. There is no need to read the rest of this, especially if you are a new player, as I will explain it all on call. However, if you are a more experienced player or just curious, below is an outline of how I typically do character creation. Characters will be created during session 0 to these specifications: level: 3 ability scores: 16, 8, and roll for the rest (4d6 add highest three together) equipment: starting equipment or starting gold as outlined by the Players Handbook, plus one rare magic item important to your backstory backstory: will be key to the adventure, will start during session 0 and develop in collaboration with me and the other players, my goal is to give you as much freedom as possible and work your story into the story of the world and campaign so that you are as engaged as possible
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Platforms used
• Foundry VTT
• Discord
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Sunday - 8:30 PM UTC
3-4 Hour duration
0 / 5 Seats filled
Experience required: Intermediate
Age: 18+