Attack on Svardorg
Attack on Svardorg

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | One-Shot


/ Session


Once / Friday - 9:00 PM (UTC)

Jan 24

2-3 Hour duration

0 / 6 Seats filled


Experience required: Advanced

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 5 players have joined
About the adventure

This is a one-shot taken from this rather long adventure. It's designed for a balanced party of five 8th level characters. The ordning, the divinely set hierarchy among giants, has been shattered for unknown reasons. The giant kin formerly under the control of the Storm Giants, are running amok through the north, causing destruction. The party has been chosen by unnamed extra-planar entities to somehow restore the ordning. You have found out that King Hekaton, the King of Storm Giants, has dissapeared. Your goal is to get the Conch of Teleportation from the evil Forst Giant Lord, Jarl Storvald, in his stronghold, the floating icebrg named Svardborg. With this magical item you'll be able to seek more information in Maelstrom, the Hold of the Storm Giants. You approach the Berg via a rowboat from a ship whose captain was reckless enough to take through the sea of moving ice guided by knowledge magically imparted to you from an oracle.


Less than a year on StartPlaying

Additional details

How to prepare

You'll only need a mic. If everyone agrees to have cameras on, we can do that, but it's not at all necessary. Have your DnD Beyond account and Discord. Bring your character. For party balance purposes, it'll be first come first serve. When booking please state your preferred class for this scene.

What I provide

We will use the DnD Beyond Maps as VTT and a Discord server for a voice call. Please have your characters in DnD Beyond. I stick to RaW, but though I have extensive experience DMing since 1e and 2e, my knowledge of 5e is still not quite up to every detail, so I appreciate being corrected. Nevertheless, I'd rather avoid discussions during a combat scene, and there, when in doubt, I'll apply Rule of Cool. We can settle those questions once the foes are defeated.

Gameplay details

I'll send you the DMG (2024) consent list for you to return anonymously.

Content warnings

Safety tools used

Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

How will character creation work

Bring an 8th level character chreated in DnD Beyond using PHB. You can also use SCAG if you'd like, but no other sourcebook, please. Use either 2014 or 2024 rules, I'll consider them compatible for this adventure. Use either standard array or point buy, but don't roll.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used

D&D Beyond

D&D Beyond Maps
