City of Mist : Payne town
City of Mist | Campaign
About the adventure
Nights of Payne Town contains ten individual cases. All connect to one person, one tragic pain, that everyone in the city holds as long as he keeps perpetuating it. The crew's job is to find the sources of this pain that lurks in the mists of the city, and try to heal the unhealable damage broght upon by mythological powers.
Game Master Reviews (7)
Players say this GM is great at:
Sets the Mood
Turgeman is a wonderful GM, I've been playing with him for about 2 years now. He brings life to world and to the NPCs, with creative voices that are spot on for the character (and that he manages to keep consistent during a year-long campaign). He has a wonderful grasp on the rules and helped me learn the system when I was new. He's also great help with creating the PC character, bringing your vague concept into a fully fledged character that has a reason to be in the campaign and is tied to the world around it!
A true cooperative role playing game, where the players have as much input as the DM in terms of world building, story telling and creativity, creating a wonderful fantasy experience with only the necessary limits. Fabula Ultima is the perfect fit for this adventure, and not only is the DM versed in the system, they stay updated and speak to its creator whenever a question about the rules arises. The DM's original characters are creative and quickly became iconic among our group.
Additional details
How to prepare
Again, all of it will be in the discord:
What I provide
The full books and maps of Night in Payne town and the added book of Shadows. A copy of the player book for each player. And we will be playing on The Forge sever using Foundry VTT
Gameplay details
We will work on all the details of the session 0 and the Saftey tools in our discord at
Content warnings
• Abuse
• Alcoholism
• Body Horror
• Cannibalism
• Curing of Disabilities
• Confronting Abuser
• Death
• Fire
• Guns
• Medical Issues
• Memory Erasing
• Mind alteration
• Mind Control
• Murder
• Nightmares about Traumatic Events
• Scars
• Trauma
• Violence
Safety tools used
• Aftercare
• Debriefing
• Lines and Veils
• Session 0
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
We will work on all the dits on our discord:
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Platforms used
• Foundry VTT
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Tuesday - 5:00 PM UTC
Mar 18 / Session 5
4-4 Hour duration
1 / 5 Seats filled
Experience required: Beginner
Age: 18+