Tomb of Annihilation: Sisters of Death |GM🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈|2024 5E
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign
About the adventure
Deep within the undead jungles of the Chultan subcontinent lies a closely guarded secret. Bound beneath the earth - in chains of magic and godly divinity - a shame of humanity slumbers its eternal sleep. From beyond the Plane Material, three sisters have stepped forth upon our world to seek the tomb of this forgotten sleeper. In their wake, only death is sewn. From 1st level you will set out towards the ancient lands of Chult, a thriving mercantile society governed by fiercely competitive Merchant Princes in the booming city of Port Nyanzaru bordered by the wild jungles covering most of the subcontinent. Teeming with gargantuan dinosaurs, mysterious ruins from lost kingdoms or gods, and the ravenous undead roaming necrotic-blighted wastelands in slavering herds, the Chultan jungles offer challenging experiences for adventurers of all stripes. Not only will the jungles combat you at every turn, but the creeping fingers of the insidious Death Curse will keep you on the edge of you seat as in this campaign, death is permanent. With the Curse's oppressive negative energies bearing down upon you, it will take all of your coordination and skill to survive the jungles alive. So come then, adventurers. Board the quickest ship to Port Nyanzaru and take off on an adventure against the very forces of Death itself.
Join us at the Thundering Lizard, in scenic Port Nyaranzu each Wednesday @ 10:00 AM for a mug of tej and some jungle adventure! ---------------------------------------------------- ⚔️Our party begins at 1st level, using 2024 5th Edition rules.
2 years on StartPlaying
423 games hosted
Highly rated for: Inclusive, Creativity, Storytelling
Average response time: Under 1 hour
Response rate: 100%
Game Master Reviews (43)
Players say this GM is great at:
Penny is awesome! We are 4 session in to a campaign, and she far supersedes what I ever could have expected from a DM. She is very inclusive, and safe, and never misses a beat. I love the voices, and the combat on FoundryVTT was awesome! Loving playing in this campaign, and excited for more to come!
I have been having a blast playing with Penny! She knows the material and has mastered the vtt - and has been so patient with me as I blunder through it. She has made me feel welcome in an established group since my first session, and she as seamlessly integrated another new player as well. Her NPC voices are incredible, too!
Additional details
How to prepare
Players should prepare by reading the Rules and the Character Creation Document found on the Discord, creating their character sheets in DNDBeyond via the campaign link as soon as possible, and checking out our FoundryVTT server's invite link where they can join with a free account. **You will need access to the following** - A desktop PC or laptop. - Discord, headphones, and a working microphone. Webcams encourged. - A free DNDBeyond account. - A reliable internet connection. I have found Edge or Chrome run FoundryVTT well for browser options. - Yourself and a willingness hop in and roleplay!
What I provide
I will provide you access to our campaign's virtual spaces in DNDBeyond, Discord, and FoundryVTT. As our adventure will be entirely digital, we can travel light on supplies, and I'll pack everything needed to get going into the jungle! Please review the list of items above for all necessary tools.
Gameplay details
~ DM's Note on Content Warnings ~ The list of possible triggers/content warnings below is a list of things that may or may not appear in this campaign. If anything (on or off the list) is an explicit trigger for you, I'm happy to talk with you and be sure those subjects are handled however best suits you.
Content warnings
• Alcohol Use
• Animal Death
• Blood
• Body Horror
• Character Death
• Drugs (addiction, use, withdrawal)
• Fire
• Hostages
• Illness
• Insects
• Language/Cursing
• Mind alteration
• Murder
• Pandemic
• Snakes
• Spiders
• Terrorism
• Violence
• Cannibalism
• Classism
• Death
• Abuse
• Cults
• Drowning
• Execution
• Genocide
• Gore
• Hangings
• Mass Death
• Memory Erasing
• Mind Control
• Scars
• Suffocation
• Trauma
Safety tools used
• Aftercare
• Bleed
• Breaks
• Debriefing
• Lines and Veils
• Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist
• Open Door
• Session 0
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
You will begin this adventure at Level 1. Please use the Character Creation Document (provided to you upon joining the game); it should hopefully answer most character creation questions. There will be a DNDBeyond Campaign Link for these new character sheets to be built in. You do not need to own anything in DNDBeyond; I own all of the content we will use for this session, and it will be shared with you. We can discuss character stories, themes, etc. before the session and during Session Zero. If you have any questions the guide does not answer, please feel free to DM me to discuss.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• D&D Beyond
• Discord
• Foundry VTT
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Wednesday - 2:00 PM UTC
3-3.5 Hour duration
0 / 6 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: 18+