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The Shattered Obelisk: A beginner-friendly D&D adventure!

The Shattered Obelisk: A beginner-friendly D&D adventure!

Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign

About the adventure

You have been hired by your dwarf patron and friend, Gundren Rockseeker, to deliver a wagon to the frontier town of Phandalin. What follows will be an adventure that will take you into dangerous ruins, caves, forests, and mountains, trying to solve the mystery of the Lost Mine of Phandelver. This adventure will take you to level 12 by its conclusion, with all the adventure centered around exploring the region around Phandalin. The module was created with new players to D&D in mind. So you can expect to get thorough exposure to everything Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition has to offer. Depending on your actions, the town of Phandalin will change over the course of the adventure so you will really feel the impact of your choices as you become its greatest heroes, or its worst villains...




Less than a year on StartPlaying

8 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Voices, Knows the Rules

Average response time: 4 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

The only things you will need to bring with you are a working microphone and a discord account to play this game. You do not need to know anything about 5e dungeons and dragons or the world we will be playing in.

What I provide

I will be bringing a FoundryVTT license that we will use for the majority of the game. I enjoy making maps and homebrew content for the game so you can expect plenty of that. I also own a majority of the books on D&D Beyond and will be sharing those with everyone who prefers to use that character sheet. I bring a variety of character voices that I enjoy doing for NPCs and monsters. I will also be bringing music that will play during the game through discord (though you can always mute it if you prefer). I know the rules of the system very well, but I embrace the Rule of Cool frequently and encourage my players to narrate and describe many of their own actions. I also place an emphasis on player agency. In other words, your actions and decisions will have meaningful effects on the story and world around you. What you do matters!

Gameplay details

Everyone will fill out an RPG consent checklist so that I have an idea of what to avoid during our adventure. We will also have a free session 0 for everyone to get familiar with each other and myself and to go over what is and is not allowed at the proverbial table. We will also discuss general RPG etiquette and guidelines to ensure we all have a fun and engaging experience.

Content warnings

Safety tools used


Monte Cook RPG Consent Checklist

Session 0

How will character creation work

I will work with each player individually to create a character for the campaign. Players will either create their character in D&D Beyond or Foundry, their choice. I use the traditional stat-rolling method of 5e: Roll 4d6 and drop the lowest. But players are also welcome to use point buy if they prefer. The campaign will begin at level 1. When it comes to Homebrew and third-party content, I am open to it so long as I get to review it first.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used


Foundry VTT


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Tuesday - 11:30 PM UTC

Apr 1 / Session 0

2.75-3 Hour duration

3 / 6 Seats filled


Tue, Apr 01 | 11:30 PM - Session 0


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+