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The Medradan Pomp Psychos: Death Collectors

The Medradan Pomp Psychos: Death Collectors

Pathfinder 2e | Campaign

About the adventure

(This is my own homebrew setting of Medrad, and will be a level 1-20 campaign that bounces around the planes.) Medrad is a world that has been destroyed and rebuilt uncountable times over, unknown to the denizens of this planet, each time almost identical to the last. To outsiders- angels, demons, devils and more- this is common knowledge and something to keep hidden from mortals, with each era and each incarnation of Medrad being little more than fleeting moments. Every time, millions of people die or are erased from reality, put into the afterlife or a reality of bleak mid-apocalypse stagnation. You just died. Whether the world ended with you or you died doing something stupid or bold, you're dead. Now, you either have to face the music and go to whatever afterlife you earned, or you can stick around a little longer by making a deal- become a Psychopomp and drag people, kicking and screaming, to their fates. You chose the latter, and you're just getting to your first day at your new job. Worst part of the job is your boss- Death, the Grim Reaper. Anything but grim, he's a thorough lunatic without a shred of impulse control, firing himself and others like bullets at whatever he feels like would be fun and chaotic, which will almost certainly get in the way of your work.

Game Designer

Less than a year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, World Builder, Rule of Cool

Average response time: 24+ hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional details

How to prepare

You will need a microphone, a computer that can access Foundry, and a Discord account. No programs need to be downloaded. Foundry does not require the player to make an account, though there is a slot I make in Foundry for the players, which requires a password; have one in mind that is not the same as your other passwords, as you will need to share it with me so I can set it. You should have at least a cursory understanding of how Pathfinder 2e works, such as the 3 action system, how skills scale, basics such as hit points and how to make basic attacks.

What I provide

I will, as much as possible, bring maps, tokens, music, and the Foundry VTT and a server for it to remain active. While I won't have a map and tokens made for every scenario, of course, I will try to have them ready for planned encounters, at least. I'm not the greatest, but I do my best with character voices and try to research my accents. I generally emphasize Rule of Cool over hard mechanics, but I don't just "let things happen." In the moment, maybe, but I can (and often do) make mechanics for almost anything that I think would enhance the player experience when relevant.

Gameplay details

The Discord server will have a Lines & Veils channel which will be available to everyone, and during the free session 0, we'll also discuss Lines & Veils. If someone does need to leave with the Open Door policy, I will check in AFTER the session to make sure they're emotionally OK. Additionally, if there's time after the session, we can discuss how things went, as well as any concerns players have. Most of the content warnings' content can be removed with the Lines & Veils, though some are more certain (eg. Guns, Violence, Death, Fiends, Murder, etc.) and would not be feasible to remove entirely. Regarding gameplay, expect homebrew and, if you have something particularly fitting, ask if you can use homebrew. Also, given the campaign's topic, I would not worry about character death- you can, more or less, "respawn," though you will be removed from the encounter, and there can still be consequences, especially if your pseudo-immortality is abused.

Content warnings

Safety tools used

Lines and Veils

Open Door

Session 0

How will character creation work

During our first session, Session 0, we will go over Lines & Veils and work on character creation, though I will try to be available to work on characters before then as well. Characters will be starting at level 1 and use Free Archetype rules- this means that, every even level, starting at your first level up, a sort of secondary, minor class or class feature will be taken in addition to any normal class features taken. Characters should be written so that they would be willing to work with this group to bring people, by force if needed, to the afterlife, even if it is only for selfish reasons. This Session 0 will be free.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used

Foundry VTT


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Monday - 1:00 AM UTC

4-4 Hour duration

1 / 6 Seats filled


Experience required: Beginner

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 4 players have joined