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The Abomination Vaults (Expanded) | Join at 8th, play to 16th

The Abomination Vaults (Expanded) | Join at 8th, play to 16th

Pathfinder 2e | Campaign

About the adventure

This campaign is organized around three adventure paths: Menace Under Otari, Troubles Under Otari, and a modified and remastered Abomination Vaults. This is an intense dungeon crawl series. It's great for new players to learn PF2E tactics and engage in some light role-playing. This modified campaign plays through 16th level! First, you head into the Otari Fishery to confront whatever is eating the fish. The Menace Under Otari Adventure is a beautiful adventure designed to teach players the Pathfinder 2nd Edition/Remastered system. This adventure will take two to three sessions. You will then assist the citizens of Otari in the Trouble in Otari Adventure from 2nd level through 5th level. At 6th level, you will head into the mysterious lighthouse called Gauntlight. The abandoned lighthouse glows with a baleful light, and the people of Otari suspect it’s an ominous prelude to sinister events. Heroes must explore the ruins around the lighthouse and delve into the dungeon levels below. Hideous monsters, deadly traps, and vengeful ghosts await the heroes who dare to enter the sprawling mega-dungeon called the Abomination Vaults! Menace Under Otari Authors: Jason Buhlman Abomination Vaults Authors: James Jacobs, Vanessa Hoskins, Stephen Radney-MacFarland Troubles in Otari Authors: Jason Keeley, Lyz Liddell, and Ron Lundeen

Recruiting notes

This campaign starts with the Menace Under Otari (Beginner Box, level 1), moves into Troubles in Otari (2nd to 5th), and then launches into a modified Abomination Vaults (6th to 17th level). This is a great campaign to challenge your character with intense dungeon crawl combat and some light role-playing. Campaign details: Free Archetype Gradual Ability Boost Milestone Advancement



Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

614 games hosted

Highly rated for: Knows the Rules, Teacher, Inclusive

Additional details

How to prepare

πŸ’» HARDWARE & SOFTWARE πŸ’» Players need a computer, a mouse πŸ–±, and a web browser that meets the Foundry VTT system requirements. Players will also need a quality microphone 🎀 that allows the player to be heard in Discord. The microphone needs the ability to be muted. I also recommend that players have a webcam πŸ“· and can stream video; Steaming video assists in building relationships and reduces misunderstandings during sessions. Streaming video is not required to play in this campaign. βœ‚ My Foundry VTT is hosted at When you first attempt to join the VTT, you will be asked to make a Forge (free) account. I use a boosted Discord community to make announcements, manage campaign communications, and host the campaign sessions. βœ‚ Players should read the free Players Guide provided by Paizo. Players should build a vibrant character with a detailed background that complements the campaign setting. Players should review my policies and guidelines on my discord server: 🌐

What I provide

🎨 A professionally designed adventure path written by the talented creators at Paizo Publishing πŸ”±The best-in-class Virtual Table Top (VTT) with an immersive adventure path implementation 🎬 Iconic Characters brought to life by my performances β™Ÿ Commanding PF2e Rules Knowledge πŸ”΅ Boosted Discord Community; Brimming with interesting players & discussions

Gameplay details

🚫 Lines & Veils - You will have an opportunity to add your off limit & no-detail topics to this list ⚠ Safety Cards - I use a VTT-implemented Safety Card system that allows you to communicate your needs anonymously πŸ“Œ End of Session Reviews - Time dedicated at the end of session for feedback to improve communication, player experience, and provide input on campaign direction πŸ”– On Demand Breaks - We will stop the session to handle safety issues, triggers/emotional charges, or personal emergencies

Content warnings

Safety tools used

β€’ Breaks

β€’ Lines and Veils

β€’ Stars and Wishes

β€’ X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

πŸŒ‘ SESSION ZERO & CAMPAIGN LAUNCH πŸŒ‘ Players may choose to create characters using Herolab Online or Pathbuilder. Additionally, players can create their character in our Foundry World. Once characters are drafted, we will introduce and review them for completeness during Session Zero. Variant rules for this adventure path vary by each campaign. Check the adventure listing to determine if Ancestry Paragon, Free Archetype, or Automatic Bonus Progression are in effect for this campaign. πŸŒ“JOINING THE CAMPAIGN IN FLIGHT πŸŒ“ Players will create their character at the current campaign level. The character has starting equipment outlined in the Player's Guide and will be given additional equipment to match the other players Characters may receive additional starting equipment or magic items based on the current story line.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level


Platforms used

β€’ Foundry VTT

β€’ Discord


/ Session

Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Weekly / Monday - 12:00 AM UTC

Mar 31 / Session 20

3.5-3.5 Hour duration

4 / 5 Seats filled


Mon, Mar 31 | 12:00 AM - Session 20


Experience required: Beginner

Age: 18+