5E D&D Rebellion - Dragons of Stormwreck Island
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign
/ Session
Weekly / Wednesday - 11:00 AM (UTC)
3-4 Hour duration
2 / 6 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: 18+
About the adventure
Hello adventurer, Welcome to a Grand Campaign! Here multiple parties, sharing the same campaign, go on official adventures from all editions of D&D, traveling through time to stop the fall of the multiverse. Think "Chrono Trigger" meets "Final Fantasy VI", or "Back to the Future" meets "Star Wars", mixed with some "Terminator" in the flavor of "Time Bandits"! Rebellion is a mega-campaign, made of interlinked campaigns. The basic premise is simple: a deep dive in the published D&D multiverse and its 50 year history. Characters' actions and downtime have consequences in changing the world and the future of the story. Everyone has a center-stage role to prevent the multiverse from falling! This a persistent campaign, you will be joining one of various parties adventuring in the same game world. In short, this is can be labeled as a Westmarches style semi-sandbox, conducted by one DM. Players may even join for short month long bouts or even years of play. Vecna is just one of the great villains of D&D that are working behind the scenes to take over reality. The heroes of the world are doing their best, but are fighting a losing battle. It is up to the players to stop them. There are more threats than NPCs can handle, the multiverse will fall unless the player characters intervene. Each party will have their own campaign with multiple paths to choose from at every turn. All official content published during 50 years of D&D is on the table. Even if you are a complete beginner, you will get fully immersed in the rich lore of D&D. The longer you stay, you'll experience everything that seasoned veterans have played. This game welcomes new players and veterans alike. It can be played by the book, going through what's written, or it can veer off to wherever you wish to go, changing as desired. Sit back and enjoy the journey, jump into the sandbox and build your castles, or both! But How? I have decided to make the ONE D&D promise come true that WotC has promised and never been able to deliver since 2E AD&D. It's simple for Players. We start playing in 5.5/5E. The PCs will be 5E characters. Every 5E adventure may played. At intersections, it's necessary to visit the past to preserve the timeline against evil groups. NPCs will use a custom mix of past and present rules, but Players will always use the 5E set of rules for their characters. When PCs visit adventures of past editions, they may acquire extra XP, and even develop new abilities exclusive to those time periods. Play as long as you want. Changing the established order from the ground up, while contending with forces beyond control, is a goal that could take years. Just like D&D itself, this game doesn't have a final page. There is enough content to play for years, and more will be released as we continue playing.
Sessions every Tuesday. Currenty party comp, Rogue/Warlock, Artificer + Warrior sidekick
Less than a year on StartPlaying
Highly rated for: Knows the Rules, Inclusive, Creativity
Additional details
How to prepare
- Players need a functioning mic, - Voice chat is done on the campaign server through Discord - Discord account and program or through web browser is required - Text chat during sessions is done primarily through Roll20 VTT - Having basic knowledge of the rules is beneficial - Characters need to be created prior to the session.
What I provide
We will start the campaign playing many of the initial adventures for the D&D Next phase of 5E, it is a content that was written primarily to be played through Theater of the Mind with minimal visuals and maps. The primary VTT used at this stage is Roll20, with integration of D&D Beyond Character Sheets. As the game progresses, more and more visual aids and maps will be introduced, until we achieve a good balance between Theater of the Mind and use of Battle Maps. Which is my favored style as a DM.
Gameplay details
- I will be sending a link to our Lines and Veils document to all players. - All groups have a session 0 where we discuss all aspects of the game and about any potential sensitive content. - X, N and O "cards" are digital and sent to me by message in private. This is a Dungeons and Dragons game, the characters are meant to be heroes fighting forces of evil and the sources of all evil in the multiverse. This means, that nearly all possible Content Warnings available will likely come into play at some point during the game. There will be no explicit or extensive focus on potentially sensitive topics, but it is unrealistic to expect them to be fully avoided as well, since it is the entire purpose of the game and the campaign to fight against evil and monsters. Regardless, it should go without saying, but I will say it anyway. Toxic behavior will **not** be allowed. If issues arise, communicate privately with me whenever needed and I will handle it. Because of my responsibility as the game master, at any point I may have to ask a player to leave a table if they aren't the right fit for a specific group, or for my style of game in general. No hard feelings held. Real life is short, and bleak enough, to hold on to what doesn't bring us joy.
Content warnings
Safety tools used
• Lines and Veils
• Session 0
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
Character creation will happen before the session. - Stats are rolled using 4d6, rerolling 1s, keeping the highest 3, Twice only. If neither result is satisfactory, the player may choose Standard Array or Point-Buy. - All backgrounds will be granted a background feat, from a specific list. According to current 5E Rules. - The characters may be created directly in Roll20 or on D&D Beyond. - All official books published for D&D are valid. All race/species iterations are valid as subspecies (not replaced). The Blood Hunter Class and the Artificer are allowed. - Partnered content from D&D Beyond is potentially valid pending DM approval. - The Starting Level for the campaign is equal to the level of the lowest character in the Party. Currently this is Level 1.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• Roll20