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The Great dungeons

The Great dungeons

Dungeons & Dragons 3/3.5e | Campaign

About the adventure

The world has been created by our DM with its own unique story, characters, locations, gods and much more. The DM has added realism to the world (within reason), whether it be historical accuracy regarding some elements of Medieval life or adding a more dynamic economic system and politics. World setting: The world experienced the birth of a new God, worshiped by the lizard folk tribes of the world. The new God deemed it unfair that power and wealth belonged to people who never truly earned it. As such, its first act as a Divinity, the newly born God took all the magic treasures of the world and hid them in newly created dungeons. Only those who are able to face the challenges of the dungeon, are worthy of the prizes held within. The balance of the world shifted due to the creation of this dungeons - nations crumbled, wars were waged, and new political powers rose to prominence. The lizard folk tribes, deemed guilty for caos by the creation and worship of the new god. They were hunted down and exterminated. Now they are hiding in issolation and fear. A few decades passed and the world, although slowly, settled into a new status quo. Different nations, guilds and organizations prepare to tackle the dungeons left behind by the Lizard folk God, eager to gain whatever treasures are hidden within. The story, for the party, begain in the city of Frampton, capital of the Great Kingdom of Mythremia. The group joined Hunter's Mace Guild - a newer adventurer's guild within the city, financed by a local nobleman. To prove themselfs a real dungeon expedition group they completed quests, missions and training exercises for newer adventurers in order to weed out the weak from the capable. After successfully taking part in the Trial Dungeon, the group continued to undertake various local quests, earning fame and profit. After several successful quests, the group embarked on the long journey to the city of Blumont, where one of the fabled dungeons was located. Overcoming many trials and unfortunate events along the way, the party was able to reach Blumont and register for their first dive into the dungeon. The dungeon delving was a success, the party was able to overcome the first few dungeon floors and overcame the first dungeon boss - a gargantuan centipede. The successful dungeon expedition marks the end of the 1st Chapter of the campaign, and now the party has an important choice to make - which new guild to join? The chosen guild goes by the name of The Golden Cloaks. New adventures and perils await the party.

Recruiting notes

The Books we use: - The Player’s Handbook (3.5) - Complete Warrior - Complete Divine - Complete Arcane - Complete Scoundrel Please answer the following questions for your application 1. How would you like to be addressed out of game/character 2. Age 3. Experience with D&D 3.5 4. Class/playstyle/game preferences 5. Character idea(s) 6. How do you envision your character becoming part of the party/narrative? 7. Why would the party continue to interact with your character in-game? At the start of each session the group disscusses all new applicants. If a majority of the group votes "yes" on the application we invite you for interviews and character creation. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions before you post your application.

Game Designer

3 years on StartPlaying

Additional details

How to prepare

Please be on time for the sessions we agree uppon. You can get assistance with all preperations from the GM

What I provide

We use a combination of Discord, Roll 20 and VR-chat (no VR headset required) to play the game. You will need these programss functional. For hardware; a PC/laptop, Microphone/headset. We use ony custom maps (2D and 3D).

Gameplay details

You will be interviewed by the GM prior to join to make sure you will enjoy this campain. There will be an additional debriefing after the first session. At the halfway point of the session we have a 15 min break. At any point you can request additional explainations or ask for more details.

Content warnings

Safety tools used




Open Door

How will character creation work

The DM will assist you with Character creation if requied. As long your character uses the whitelisted books it will be approved.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used



Each player will be charged when a session starts.


Custom / Sunday - 4:00 PM UTC

Mar 23 / Session 114

3-4 Hour duration

5 / 7 Seats filled


Off Schedule

Sun, Mar 23 | 4:00 PM - Session 114

Sun, Mar 30 | 3:00 PM - Session 115

Sun, Apr 06 | 3:00 PM - Session 116

Sun, Apr 20 | 3:00 PM - Session 117

Sun, May 11 | 3:00 PM - Session 118


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+