PTU: The Social Ecology of Kanto/ LGBTQ+ & Newbie Friendly
Pokemon Tabletop United | Campaign
About the adventure
This game will use the familiar setting of Kanto for a new, character focused campaign. It will use the concept of social ecology, or the relationship between society and nature, to explore the mysteries of the Pokemon universe. It will be an adventure filled with mystery and camraderie; battles and victory. Players will travel across Kanto to collect the 8 badges while fighting the villainous Team Sovereignty and Team Rocket. We will have a balance between roleplay and combat. I have a deep and enduring love of the Pokemon universe and I am excited to roleplay in it. As someone who has also lived in the Kanto region of Japan, I will provide accurate and lush descriptions of its metropoles and environments. ---------- We are searching for a 4th player for our game, and we have just arrived in Fuschia City after defeating the 5th gym. Trainers are level 40 and average party level is 65.
Your application will be subject to approval by the members of our current group, so please give me some information about yourself! What type of game do you like? What experience with the system do you have? What do you want from the gaming experience?
Additional details
How to prepare
We will be using Foundry and I would prefer that players have a microphone. Players do not need to have any experience with the system, or have read the rulebook. We are happy to explain things to you, as the game progresses. However, it will be very helpful for you to learn the rules so that you can make informed decisions about character progression. To that extent, I am more than happy to help you.
What I provide
-The books, -Maps, music, and tokens for Foundry, -My best attempt at NPC voices
Gameplay details
Lines and Veils will be discussed prior to play and X,N, and O cards can be handled publically or privately (through PM). My games are LGBTQ+ friendly and I do not tolerate racism or bullying. Players are not allowed to physically abuse their Pokemon. The player characters will be children/ teenagers, and I expect a certain degree of maturity when playing these characters. Sexual content is strictly forbidden and will result in dismissal. At the moment, our Lines and Veils are as follows: Lines: -Sexual Content -PC Abuse of Pokemon -Discussion of real world drug use Veil: -Pokemon Abuse by NPCs My DMs are always open with any concerns. After the session, we will discuss Stars and Wishes. I truly believe that I can always improve as a GM, and I am always receptive to feedback. The game will be organized through Discord and run through Roll20. Links to these will be provided after enrolling. We will be using the Core Rulebook 1.05, Pokedex 1.05+, and the February 2016 Playtest. We are currently discussing the Sept 2015 Playtest. This will all be provided on the Discord. The Warper and Task Master classes are banned and we are not playing with Base Stat Relations.
Content warnings
Safety tools used
• Breaks
• Lines and Veils
• Session 0
• Stars and Wishes
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
There will be a free session 0 where we create characters and establish backstories. Any players that are joining later in the campaign will also get a free session 0 for character creation (scheduled between us at a time before the next session) in order to ensure that they understand the ruleset and their character. Characters starting now will be starting at 6th level, one Pokemon at level 16, one Pokemon at level 15, and two pokemon at level 14. At the moment, Pokemon may only be chosen if they are from the Kanto region. We will eventually introduce Pokemon up to the Sinnoh region. Throughout the campaign, I will reward players with Trainer experience points if they provide me with a 1/2 page backstory about their character.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• Discord
• Foundry VTT
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Weekly / Friday - 5:00 PM UTC
Mar 28 / Session 79
4-4 Hour duration
3 / 4 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: 18+