Gallows of Madness
Gallows of Madness

Pathfinder 1e | Campaign


/ Session


Custom / Tuesday - 8:20 AM (UTC)

3-4 Hour duration

0 / 5 Seats filled


Experience required: Open to all

Age: 18+

This game will begin once 3 players have joined
About the adventure

Gallows of Madness is a 1st edition Pathfinder adventure for 1st level characters set in the town of Saringallow, in the nation of Isger. A recent rash of missing apprentices and rumors of enormous vermin spur the mayor to call a group of heroes to discreet action, leading to unsettling discoveries and a race to stop a sinister plot against the town. From there, the heroes follow the trail of the true threat, passing through dangerous, goblin-infested woods before a final assault on an abandoned manor, once home to wicked diabolists. This adventure begins with a bit of investigation and features plenty of character interaction and combat. As it moves out of the town, there will be fewer chances to social interaction with NPCs, but characters built to excel in that area will still have chances to shine.

Recruiting notes

New Weekly Adventure!

DMs Guild Writer
Published Writer
Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Inclusive

Additional details

How to prepare

A microphone is necessary, a webcam is optional. I'll be using one if I can (Discord hasn't been cooperating with me much lately), but if you don't want to that's fine. A working knowledge of all the rules is unnecessary—even I don't know *everything* about the game—but I expect you to at least know the basics of how your character works. Understand your core abilities and the most likely actions you're going to be taking. You will need to make a free account on Forge-VTT to join the game, which will allow you to make your character and use the virtual dice. Please also provide some sort of character art for the purposes of a token for use on battlemaps.

What I provide

I will provide maps, music, and run the game using my Forge account.

Gameplay details

Session 0 will be a free, short get-together where we talk about character ideas and create a party together. You can, of course, come with ideas of what you'd like to play, but don't come in with a character already fully made and ready to go—I want the party to collaborate and talk about what they want their composition to be. After session 0, I'll send out links to a Lines and Veils document for each of you to make a copy of and fill out, then send to me. For X-cards, just send me a private message on Discord with the letter "x." For my GMing style, I'll be trying to adhere to the rules as much as possible, though given the fact that PF is so dense and I'm no encyclopedia, anything I don't know or can't be looked up in a minute I'll just make a call on and move forward.

Content warnings

Safety tools used



Lines and Veils

Open Door

Session 0

X, N, and O Cards

How will character creation work

I'll be allowing all official PF1e content (with one small limit expanded on below). As this is a low-level adventure, I don't imagine it'll cause too many problems to just let you play what you want. The adventure does take place in a remote, superstitious town, so in order to best fit the tone I'd recommend sticking to the core races, but it's by no means a necessity. Stats will be using point-buy with 25 points, and in addition to the standard character creation process, you'll select two traits (no Campaign Traits, though, those are specific to APs and wouldn't really be appropriate). We will be using Foundry VTT and their integrated character sheets, so if you need any help with any of the character creation process, all you need to do is ask. I'll expect for us to use Session 0 mostly to decide what we're playing—after that, you're free to leave and make your character on your own time, but if you want to stick around and get that done then and there, we can do that. Regardless, I'll need a finished character sheet at least 2 days before the game, so I have time to double-check and make sure everything's good.

Players can expect

Combat / Tactics






Experience level

Open to all

Platforms used

Foundry VTT