The Fall of Holstead Castle
Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Campaign
About the adventure
Holstead Castle and the town of Kingsmead have fallen to the Orcish horde of Ingtar. With refugees flooding Fort Albert and the gates of Greencliffe, the Orc horde readies itself to lay siege to the Elven city and rid the north of all "good" races. An unnaturally dark cloud hangs over the war camp, hinting at a potentially greater evil driving the forces. Can the North be saved and the Orc horde stopped?
Game Master Reviews (7)
Players say this GM is great at:
Josh was actually my first GM. Pandemic Blues hit me like it hit everyone else, and I decided to give DnD a shot and see what I thought. Two years later and I'm in three active campaigns and a shelf full of encyclopedias and bestiaries, and it's all thanks to Josh's work as a GM. Josh is a natural storyteller. His descriptions of locations, characters, and encounters are so vivid and rich in detail that you truly feel like you're IN the story. Add to that his immersive character voices and roleplaying, and it's very easy to lose yourself in the game. His strength as a storyteller also extends to his flexibility. A lot of GMs write their opus and try their best to wrangle their players along its course. Josh understands that the players write the story with their actions. Sure he has a grand scheme and plenty of details to populate it, but he's not afraid to throw everything out the window and switch tracks to follow the choices of the players (no matter how crazy they might be). I've played with several GMs in the past two years, but there's only one I will play with anymore and that's Josh. His love of the craft shines through in the details and performances surrounding his campaigns as well as his extensive knowledge of the source material/rules. He is what all GMs should strive to be, and there's no one else I would rather have running my campaign.
Josh is a fantastic GM for both experienced gamers and those just starting out. He always comes prepared, knows the game inside and out and does a great job engaging his players. I've been playing in one of his D&D 5E campaigns for a couple of years now and it's still as fun now as when we began. His maps a great and so are his NPC characters. I encourage anyone looking for a fun RPG experience to ask Josh to GM for you!
Josh has ran a few campaigns for me and my friends. It is always a blast to see what twists and turns he throws our way. He knows the rules of the game but also goes by the rule of cool. He is able to spin tales of adventure and triumph, and be able to throw in a bad joke while doing it. I highly recommend you give him a chance to be your GM!
If you love dad jokes, Josh is the DM for you! Just kidding (sort of). Josh provides a wonderfully fleshed out world and NPCs. He also provides an excellent balance of combat and role playing, usually with a fair bit of both for each session. The ambiance is always set with music and background tracks so it is very easy to get immersed quickly. It’s easy to be creative and fun in his settings, as he keeps an eye on the rules but isn’t afraid to bend them for a good (or funny) idea. Favorite moment: West side story cranium rats New players, players who enjoy RP, and nice players who just want to play D&D would probably like Josh as a DM.
A fantastic story teller, knows the rules and also knows fun. l never know where the campaign is going to go, and that is meant in the best of ways. The campaign is always so very well fleshed out, that it seems like every shocking turn (whether the results are good or bad) has been planned from the get go. I am lucky enough to be involved with a great party, and this GM, as my first true campaign that I have ever played. GM is excellent for new comers and veterans alike. Our campaign ranges from straight noobs (myself) to those who have been playing for decades. We are all having a great time. Personally, I feel that GM has a serious gift for doing this. My best endorsement is that I look forward to game night because I know it is going to be a great time. Their have been so many moments that I will remember for the rest of my life, and I am thankful to have been a part of them. GM also can handle any absurdity that can be thrown their way. To be extremely blunt, GM is good enough to have $$$ value for their services.
Additional details
How to prepare
All character sheets and rolls will be handled in Roll20, meaning you will need access to high-speed internet and a free Roll20 account (Chrome seems to be the best browser for Roll20). We will use Discord for video/audio. Video is optional but audio chat is required.
What I provide
Any compendiums of information I have in Roll20 will be available during character creation. We will discuss any limitations in session 0.
Gameplay details
The content warning is a general warning of what is likely to be discussed or part of the game but may not be. The fluidity and spontaneity of D&D are such that, while I will try to avoid grotesque levels of violence or innuendo, they may still be eluded to throughout the campaign.
Content warnings
• Alcohol Use
• Blood
• Character Death
• Hostages
• Violence
Safety tools used
• Breaks
• Open Door
• Session 0
• Stars and Wishes
• X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work
I will set up a session 0 to discuss house rules and character creation with the group. Once characters have been created we will go through a low-stakes round of puzzles/combat so the group can get a feel for my DM style and get acquainted with Roll20 and the flow of the game session.
Players can expect
Combat / Tactics
Experience level
Open to all
Platforms used
• Roll20
• Discord
/ Session
Each player will be charged when a session starts.
Custom / Tuesday - 7:20 AM UTC
3-6 Hour duration
1 / 5 Seats filled
Experience required: Open to all
Age: 18+