Beginners guide to Realms of Pugmire: The Secret of Vinsen’s Tomb - The time of Humans has ended, the time of Dogs has come!

Beginners guide to Realms of Pugmire: The Secret of Vinsen’s Tomb - The time of Humans has ended, the time of Dogs has come!

Realms of Pugmire on Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Pugmire is a game set far in the future of our world. In the past, humans used advanced science to expedite the evolution of certain animals, including the dog ancestors of Pugmire. Whether considered evolved or uplifted, they gained comparable intelligence to humans, walked upright on two legs naturally, and used paw-like hands with opposable thumbs to manage more tasks for their human masters. At some point in the distant past, something happened to all the humans. The dogs don’t know the cause — war, famine, plague, or something else — but all humans left the planet. All the dogs know for sure is that Man vanished, and some of their amazing relics were left behind. Choose your character and find out what leads you to Vinsen's Tomb and what treasures or possibly dangers lie within. This game is similar to D&D 5e with some differences. You will play as one of ten dog characters, with a variety of abilities. I will be running a jumpstart adventure that is a bit lighter on rules so don't worry too much about not knowing the rules.


3 years on StartPlaying

15 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Inclusive

Additional Details

How to prepare

You will need a working mic, a webcam is preferred so everyone can see each other but is not mandatory. If anyone wants to read the rules ahead of time I can send them to them but otherwise, I will try to explain the game as we go. You will need a set of dice either physical or digital of some kind. You should make sure you are signed up for Discord since that is where the game will be running. I will send you a copy of whatever character you choose and recommend printing it off.

What I provide

I will be providing pre-generated characters for you to choose from.

Gameplay details

There will be blood and fighting in this game. I would call it PG-13 so for younger gamers just a word of warning.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

There will be 10 pre-generated characters for you to choose from once you sign up for the game. If you have played before and want to make your own character that is fine too.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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