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Mac (he/him)



Game Designer

Less than a year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Inclusive

About me

Hello there! My name is Mac and I'm looking forward to being your new DM. I've been playing DND for many years, I started almost 2 decades ago when I was little. As for being the DM, I have been running games for just over 10 years now, and have a passion for storytelling. I'm looking forwarding to telling YOUR story! I believe a balance of roleplaying, party member relationships, exploration, and combat results in an engaging experience where you care about your characters, and they are more then just stats on a page. Together we can bring them to life! Please feel free to message me about times, settings, anything you need. I'm looking forward to playing with you!

GM Style

As the DM, I aim to create a rich, immersive world where realistic combat is woven seamlessly into the narrative. Encourage players to think strategically about their surroundings, using terrain and environment to their advantage. All combats have potential to be dangerous, and staying vigilant is necessary. I also like to tell heroic stories, people chosen to do more in the world, be it good or bad, from beginning to end. All players will start with the point buy or standard array stat distribution choices, with a spicy bonus, based on the story you want to tell. I like to make combat dynamic and exciting by allowing players to engage in the narrative beyond their turns. Prompt them to describe their actions in detail and respond to the environment, fostering a sense of agency. Ask leading questions during combat: “How does your character react when the enemy charges?” or “What do you do when you see your ally get knocked down?” This encourages players to think about their relationships with one another and fosters collaboration. I will Weave character backstories and personal goals into the main storyline, creating opportunities for meaningful interactions during and outside of combat. Allow NPCs to reference their pasts or bring up unresolved issues, prompting players to explore their characters' relationships. I am happy to include more realistic rules, like carrying capacity, survival, and lasting injuries, which I think make the story more immersive. However, these are all optional, and whatever the party would like to use or not use in terms of rules is up to you. I am open to the idea of homebrew rules and characters, as long the balance between players isn't thrown off. Ultimately I believe in having fun, both for myself and my players. I live by the "Rule of Cool" and encourage players to attempt fun, outside-the-box ideas.

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