Cost Per Player
Chris (he/him)
1 year on StartPlaying
70 games hosted
Highly rated for: Creativity, Rule of Cool, World Builder
About me
Welcome. You can call me Chris, Legacy, Zel, or whatever else you can come up with, I don't have a preference. I'm an extremely involved DM, and, though I may not have been playing for as long as some others, I've been writing and game developing for far longer, so I'm confident in my ability to weave a compelling narrative and construct custom content that makes sense for the system. Even for paid games, the first 3 sessions of any game of mine you join (including session 0) will always be free. So, if one of my campaigns interest you even remotely, don't hesitate to hop in and play a session or 2 to test the waters, no hard feelings if you change your mind. I host games in many systems, including ones I've developed myself, and love to create and learn about additional content, meaning I'm very open to homebrew, even encourage it. The story of my campaigns are delicately crafted with your character and their history, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses in mind. Don't wanna create a long lethargic backstory? That's fine, I can work with just about anything; and we tend to get into enough trouble to entertain everyone regardless, so, if you just wanna hop in every week and smash some bad guys, that's fine as well. I look forward to seeing the character you create and the story we can build around them together.
GM Style
I put a lot of work into my games to make them as smooth and entertaining as possible, but the actual play style is much more casual. I know the rules, but if you wanna bend them a bit in a way that's interesting and would make sense for your character, I'm down to negotiate and make exceptions. My greatest focuses are the narrative writing, weaving your character into an interesting plot, and setting up unique and equally interesting encounters. Whether those encounters be of a combative or plot-driven nature. I don't hide any rolls unless necessary, the RNG gods decide what's best. The spread of combat vs roleplay depends on the party. I typically ask the group beforehand which they prefer and adjust the campaign accordingly. On average I'd say it's about 50/50. You can expect to have 1 or 2 character driven and skill encounters for every 1 or 2 fights. I try to have a bit of both every session. I always have an overall goal and plot laid out for my campaigns before we start, but that doesn't mean you're restricted in any way. If you take an unexpected approach, it could completely alter the path of the story, as it should, in my opinion. So the narrative I put in place is more of a guideline for me than an encouraged path.
Game platforms used
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