Super-powered Woodstock (A Wild Talents One Shot)

Super-powered Woodstock (A Wild Talents One Shot)

Wild Talents on ...

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 4 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

August, 1969, Wallkill, New York. They're coming in their thousands for three days of peace and music, the great climax of the Hippie movement. But, things aren't exactly as we know them, not after the arrival of metahumans. You've seen metahumans on TV, fighting in Vietnam and talking to Johnny Carson. They fly through the air unaided, tear tanks apart with their bare hands, teleport people across the planet, and even heal the sick. And some of them can talk you into anything. Even talking the local government of Wallkill not to cancel the music festival, so it never has to move on to Max Yagur's farm. Thousands of people are coming in for the celebration, and the locals aren't happy. Between food shortages, clogged highways, rising political tensions, and the infamous brown acid there's an awful lot that can go wrong. And that's before you factor in people with powers beyond human comprehension. People like you. Will Woodstock go down in history as the best the hippies had to offer, or as another infamous '60s riot? It's all in your hands.

Women/Femme Identifying
Game Designer

3 years on StartPlaying

308 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Inclusive

Average response time: 6 hours

Response rate: 100%

Additional Details

How to prepare

Players will need mics, but not webcams. No special software, and no book or other requirements. If you want to enhance your fun, read up a bit on the time period, but it's not required.

What I provide

I've got Wild Talents, Progenitor, and the adventure on hand. The Discord channel will have a dice parser in it to handle rolls (and finding matches).

Gameplay details

A heavy on the roleplaying tour of Woodstock in the Progenitor setting, with plenty of opportunities to change history with superpowers. A game not about fighting villains, but of handling social issues. We'll have X-cards on hand to make sure no one goes into uncomfortable territory. Content Warning: Sex, drugs, rock and roll, and probably a touch of violence.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Pre-made characters will be provided for new players, and anyone else who doesn't want to engage with Wild Talents character creation system for a one shot. If you do want to make a character, you'll need to create them before session and run them by me. Characters should be made with 100 points to spend on Stats and Skills as a normal person, and 300 to spend on Powers of all kinds. Characters all have the Metahuman Archetype, which costs 0 and has the Super permission. Character creation takes a bit too long in Wild Talents for a one shot, so come in with something or grab a pre-made.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Low
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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