Session 0: Chill 3E: Devil's Trap

Session 0: Chill 3E: Devil's Trap

Chill 3rd Edition on Roll20, Discord, Theater of the Mind

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Creatures of the Unknown share this world with us. Some walk among us in the day, their forms indistinguishable from our own. Others prowl the night, preying upon victims at their most vulnerable moment. No matter how grave the threat, however, whenever one of these creatures rears it's ugly head, SAVE will have envoys on scene. Do you have what it takes to grit your teeth and stand your ground when a werewolf is hurling spittle in your face? If so, then God help us, but SAVE needs you. Humanity needs you. They're everywhere, and so must we be. Wield mystical powers in defense of humanity, and banish the paranormal to whence they came!

3 years on StartPlaying

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How to prepare

If you're bringing a group, the communication medium is entirely up to you, as I only require a camera for roll verification in the case of physical dice. Aside from that, however your group wants to communicate works for me. If you're a stranger signing up with a bunch of other strangers, I ask that you have a microphone simply for game efficiency.

What I provide

a digital copy of the Chill 3E ruleset, some supplements, semi-campy horror laughs, and unshakable enthusiasm

Gameplay details

We will design a SAVE HQ in a locale of your choosing(usually best if on the outskirts of a large city), as well as create characters together during the first meeting, or what I like to call "Session 0". This will lay down the foundation of our game, and start the basis for a base you'll be able to improve over time between cases. Expect a roster of NPCs that will populate and run the base in your absence. From your HQ, you'll take cases that can range from your backyard to a urgent situation on the other side of the globe, utilizing your own set of paranormal powers known as The Way to combat the creatures of the Unknown. SAVE Envoys learned how to use The Way somewhere, however, so expect the Unknown to lash back with abilities of their own. The d100 system allows for intuitive understanding, even for beginners, and the system sports a plethora of creatures from mythology and tales of cryptids from around the world. Black and white tokens represent the constant power struggle between Envoys and the Unknown, and flip back and forth often during a case as time goes on. Be mindful of the time it takes you to complete an action, as an hour spent in preparation could mean the death of countless innocents. The Unknown make their moves whether you're ready or not.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

Character creation will happen at the same time as HQ creation, so we'll be creating them together! No need to bring an Envoy in that you've already made, but if you do that's perfectly fine as well. This system functions best when we generate the base elements together, that will allow us to make a deeper story later on.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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