(Learn to Play!) Mouse Guard: A Wish for the Dying

(Learn to Play!) Mouse Guard: A Wish for the Dying

Indie TTRPG on Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3.5 to 5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Mouse Guard is a very simple RPG where players take on the role of tiny forest mice, fighting to keep their civilization alive against the harshness of nature and the inevitable struggles and choices that separate intelligent creatures from common animals. Players step into the role of Guardsmice, members of Mouse society tasked with helping the population, securing peace, and confronting threats throughout the Mouse Territories. This game has moments of intense dramatic action, but is also about difficult choices that have no clear right or wrong. Players will be asked to test their character's Beliefs and what they value most. But what is most important is that in the end, our characters are changed by their experiences.




3 years on StartPlaying

3 games hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

It wouldn't hurt to read the rules ahead of time, but as I expect many people to be beginners or have never touched the system, it will be explained as things go. There is no software, no rulebook needed to be referenced, no dice or notes you need other than what you would normally want with you for normal game playing.

What I provide

I already have sheets, tokens, dice, cards, and everything else necessary already set up on Roll20.

Gameplay details

Mouse Guard is a relatively simple system that can ask very complex questions. Core to every character are their traits, their relationships, and their beliefs, which all define who this Mouse is and how they approach problems. But beliefs are not set in stone, and one can have them challenged and changed, especially if it makes for a better story! Mouse Guard's game session is broken into two halves; GM turn, and the Player turn. The first half is where the GM will offer up the story being told for the session and present the Obstacles that will test the characters as they attempt to carry out their goal. These obstacles are what the players use their skills and traits to overcome with dice rolls, and can be anything from attempting to cross long stretches of travel overland, to defying or sheltering from the elements, to fighting against dangerous animals or enemies, or even an argument or negotiation with a fellow Mouse. The second half of the session is the Player's turn, where things change hands from the GM offering obstacles that stand in the way of the character's progress, to the players deciding what steps they want to take to progress the narrative. Each player will have a set number of "skill checks" they are allowed to make during the Player turn (though they can earn more through certain methods during the DM turn), and they must decide how they want to spend these checks. This is where tough decisions must often be made, as it is not guaranteed that players will have enough checks to accomplish everything before them, and spending this precious resource is no easy choice. Will they spend their check in service of helping the Mice around them? Or is there a personal character goal they wish to accomplish instead? Great drama can be found in these decisions! Once the Player checks are exhausted, the session is over, and either the initial goal is reached, or they are unsuccessful. Either way, the Player's Turn ends with players writing a new goal for their next session, and the doling out of rewards obtained during the course of gameplay, which include things like acting on your belief, working towards your goal, accomplishing a goal, acting against a belief, the MVP of the session, the Workhorse of the session, and who Embodied their character the best. These rewards come in the form of points that can be used to affect the rolls made in future skill checks! And that's Mouse Guard! The game is not a tactical battle game, a dungeon crawling gritty simulation, or about crazy powers, intense puzzles, or tons of combat. Rather, it's about roleplaying and exploring choice and drama in a world of fun and dangerous animals who behave like people, but smaller!

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

There are no character levels! This adventure offers pre-made characters you can choose that are designed with some utility in mind for what the adventure may hold, but if you wish to make your own Mouse, that can be arranged. There are simple character generators/creators to be found online, and you are welcome to use one, with the understanding that the relationships and connections will still be added in for the sake of the session. If you choose to do this, you should contact me directly and I will help you make sure this is done before the game.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Low
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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