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Dungeons & Dragons 5e on Discord, Roll20, Theater of the Mind

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 4 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

⚑ Jump right in with Pre-Made, editable Characters! 🧟 Fight Undead abominations and cruel Necromancers for fame and fortune! πŸ—‘ Explore a fractured world of City-States carved up by complex Factions! πŸ“œMeet the Factions!πŸ—‘: πŸ’€ The Necromantics - Ruthless idealists who want to create a utopia with the Dead serving the Living! βš” The Paladins - Freed slaves who swore an Oath to purge the world of "Evil", for a price! πŸ’° The Merchants - Wealthy monopolists who control the port cities and fund paladins for their interests! πŸ›  The Guilds - Powerful craftsmen who dominate the cities and collaborate with Necromantics! πŸ” Minor Factions - Scattered across the small towns and forgotten villages are countless local Factions who may be encountered! Enter a world where complex Factions fight for control of City-States left behind by the fall of an Empire of dark magics, where your choices could be the difference between a bright future for all, or a world of pain and darkness. Uncertainty and Optimism reign in equal measure in the world of the Post-Empire... The Elven Empire fell just 20 years ago, Its elite of necromancers scattered to the winds, their secrets lost and hidden, and It's near-empty cities chaotically released as new, free states in a shower of blood... but also liberation of the masses who survived, and a new hope for what the future may bring to them. This is the world you find yourselves in, what will your story be?

1 year on StartPlaying

14 games hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

No Webcams Needed. Microphones are Required. Discord is Required. Rolls will be Handled through Roll20. Character Sheets are Also Stored and Made on Roll20.

What I provide

Roll20 Provides Virtual Dice. I have Reroll, a Pixel-art Creator that I very much enjoy Using. I will offer all Players the option of having me make their character in it, though they may provide their own non-copyrighted Image if they wish. Roll20 has world and town maps, there are no battle-maps.

Gameplay details

Players can Expect an RP-Heavy Game with a light focus on Rules, DO NOT expect alot of combat. I do not do many puzzles either. Roll20 will be used for Rolls and Character Sheets. there will be no battle-maps, instead theatre of the mind will be used. there is still world and town maps on Roll20. Characters Will Start at level 2, though people joining an Ongoing campaign will be the same level as the Party. The Party Levels up as a Group at Milestones. XP is not Used. Elaborations on Content Warnings: "kidnapping" - The Party Itself begins the game as Prisoners of a Beseiged City-State, offered the chance at freedom if they agree to join the Garrison. this also qualifies as Impressment, but that's not a content warning option. "Talk of Superior Race" - This game does not in any way show racism or any form of bigotry in a positive light. The NPCs who talk of their own Superiority in this game are not generally good people, though this isn't a game with strict good or bad guys they are definitely on the worse side. "Slavery" - This Content Warning exists because a major plot point of this world is that the vast majority of its population somewhat recently escaped slavery. slavery itself will not generally be described in detail and will certainly not be experienced by the players. it is however something which has had a serious effect on most NPCs lives in some way. "Pandemic" - This Content Warning, like the Slavery one, references past events in the world's history. mostly, the great plague which assisted the fall of the Empire. there is no ongoing pandemic at game start, but much like Slavery its legacy is still fresh in the minds of many even decades after. "Terrorism" - The acts of resistance against the Empire, and later Despotic City-States, would generally be considered Terrorism. unlike the others, this one can be seen as portraying the Content Warning in a somewhat positive light and will come up during gameplay. not alot, but it will be there. "Racism" - As you might expect in a world where the vast majority just escaped slavery by an elven Empire, Elves are not exactly very popular. this fact is not portrayed as justified or an appropriate response, but anti-elven bigots do exist in this world. "Witch persecution" - Sorcerers are primarily of Elven Blood in this world, and thus those with Sorcery often face bigotry for their powers due to their elven association. these scenes are not directly described but it is referenced and players who play sorcerers will encounter it. "Execution" - It is not uncommon for Factions and political leaders to have their opponents killed in this world, bandits also tend to suffer this fate when caught. these scenes are not described, but they are referenced. "Warfare" - The world is politically divided between countless city-states, many of which are at war with each other. the party will have to plan long-distance trips around warzones and will see cities effected by these conflicts occasionally. "Nightmares" - If you are over the age of 20 in this world, you have some form of trauma from the fall of the empire. no-one was safe during that time. it will be a somewhat frequent thing for characters to wake up with fresh nightmares of the fall, relevant to their current experiences.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Debriefing
  • Lines and Veils
  • Session 0
  • Stars and Wishes
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

Characters will Begin at level 2, They will be Made and stored on Roll20 and with the Help of the DM. I also have a set of pre-made characters you may pick from if you would rather just jump right into the game with a character you know will fit the world without worry. Players may bring their own pre-Made Characters to the game but they will be Workshopped to fit the Lore and Setting if possible, and you may be asked to not use it at all if not.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Low
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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